英语翻译用软件的,希望人工翻一下,基本通顺就可以了,水平不用高.因此在冬季的罗马,旅居此地的美国名流人士在一个更正统、拘谨的小圈子里对Dm我行我素、无视当地的礼仪习俗的行事方式品头论足,使本色和矫饰、简单与世故、年轻与成熟三者之间的矛盾愈发水火不相容.dm周围总缠着五六个蓄着美髯的男子;她竟然在下午车水马龙时分,单枪匹马地步行去赴会一个身分不明、用意暖昧的意大利男子,而在意大利,单身男子都“不应请求一位本国的姑娘和他一起逛大街”;当wak— Wb的老友,也是Ml一家在罗马认识的旅欧美国人第一次婉言劝阻Da


因此在冬季的罗马,旅居此地的美国名流人士在一个更正统、拘谨的小圈子里对Dm我行我素、无视当地的礼仪习俗的行事方式品头论足,使本色和矫饰、简单与世故、年轻与成熟三者之间的矛盾愈发水火不相容.dm周围总缠着五六个蓄着美髯的男子;她竟然在下午车水马龙时分,单枪匹马地步行去赴会一个身分不明、用意暖昧的意大利男子,而在意大利,单身男子都“不应请求一位本国的姑娘和他一起逛大街”;当wak— Wb的老友,也是Ml一家在罗马认识的旅欧美国人第一次婉言劝阻Da与这位身分暖昧的意大利男子单独相会时,Da觉得难以理解:“这是咋啦!我又不想干什么不正当的事”.她坚持赴约,但作了一点让步,提出让Wb陪伴前往;而Wak觉得此举更欠妥,因为她“属于这一类美国人,每当旅居欧陆,她总是千方百计地研究欧洲社会”,
那我翻译完吧 So in the winter Rome .American figures sojurned here ,in a more formal,restrained feild ,in a way that persist their old ways and regardless of the local custom made frivolou remarks about Dm.Made the contradiction among quality and varnish ,ignore and sophistication ,young and mature become more acute.Around Dm there are always serveral handsome man in beautiful beards.
but she was dated a unacquainted ambiguous Italian at busy afternoon in her own.Howere ,in Italy ,every single man “shouldn’t ask a native girl roaming about the streets ”.when Wak ,an old friend of Wb ,also an sojurning American met in rome ,the first time refuged Da not to deta that Italian ,Da think it was nonsense with the word “ What’s up ,are there anything wrong with it ” .
She insist to the apointment,but in a way WAK conside more unporper ,made Wb with her .Because she is such an American involved in studying the European socity when sojurning in Europe“ 就这水平了啊 ,有点通俗 ,那有不妥还忘大家指点
那我翻译完吧 So in the winter Rome .American figures sojurned here ,in a more formal,restrained feild ,in a way that persist their old ways and regardless of the local custom made frivolou remarks about Dm.Made the contradiction among quality and varnish ,ignore and sophistication ,young and mature become more acute.Around Dm there are always serveral handsome man in beautiful beards.
but she was dated a unacquainted ambiguous Italian at busy afternoon in her own.Howere ,in Italy ,every single man “shouldn’t ask a native girl roaming about the streets ”.when Wak ,an old friend of Wb ,also an sojurning American met in rome ,the first time refuged Da not to deta that Italian ,Da think it was nonsense with the word “ What’s up ,are there anything wrong with it ” .
She insist to the apointment,but in a way WAK conside more unporper ,made Wb with her .Because she is such an American involved in studying the European socity when sojurning in Europe“ 就这水平了啊 ,有点通俗 ,那有不妥还忘大家指点