求翻译一篇文章翻译成英语幼儿在幼儿园期间不仅身体得到发育,各方面能力也得到发展.本文试图研究幼儿能力发展与幼儿手工教学之间的关系.本研究主要采用文献法和观察法作为基本研究方法.以凯里市新世纪幼儿园大班为样本,详细的分析了平面手工活动,立体手工活动和综合手工活动三种不同手工形式对幼儿能力发展的影响.以此希望更多的家长和幼儿教育工作者重视幼儿手工教育.还有一句:手工教学与幼儿能力发展关系的研究 ——­以新世纪幼儿园大班为例


Not only have children gained the development in bdoy during kindergarten ,and various respects of abilities also have improved.the article tries to research the relation between the development of ability and manual teaching for children.this study mainly adopted the methods of literature and observation as the basic research way.Taking the top class in Kaili Century Kindergarten as the example,analysed the impact on the children's ability developent in detail,in terms of the three forms manual activities of the planar 、three-dimensional and comprehensive.Hope that more and more parents and educators attach importance to children's manual education.手工教学与幼儿能力发展关系的研究 ——以新世纪幼儿园大班为例The study about the relation of manual teaching and the children's ability development ------Taking the top class in Kaili Century Kindergarten as the example
Not only have children gained the development in bdoy during kindergarten ,and various respects of abilities also have improved.the article tries to research the relation between the development of ability and manual teaching for children.this study mainly adopted the methods of literature and observation as the basic research way.Taking the top class in Kaili Century Kindergarten as the example,analysed the impact on the children's ability developent in detail,in terms of the three forms manual activities of the planar 、three-dimensional and comprehensive.Hope that more and more parents and educators attach importance to children's manual education.手工教学与幼儿能力发展关系的研究 ——以新世纪幼儿园大班为例The study about the relation of manual teaching and the children's ability development ------Taking the top class in Kaili Century Kindergarten as the example