托福作文打分u agree that it is more enjoyable to have a job where u work three days a week for longer hours than work five days a week for shorter hours.Although working less days a week sounds to be a pleasant idea to some people,I don't find it more enjoyable


u agree that it is more enjoyable to have a job where u work three days a week for longer hours than work five days a week for shorter hours.
Although working less days a week sounds to be a pleasant idea to some people,I don't find it more enjoyable than the orginal way of working hours in some ways.I'll state my oponion in personal,historical,and sociable ways.
Personally,working 3 days a week may be less than enough for each individual.A week is made of up to 7 days,if we only squeeze out 3 days to work,the other 4 days may seem to be a waste.Because 3 days barely count up to half of the days in a week ,we cannot simply let the precious time slip away through our fingers if 2 days are cut out.Some may argue that in a 3-day situation,it will be the same since we can work for longer hours.While I find it hard to believe since people may get tired working for longer hours a day,and they may not be as productive as the normal hours of working conditions.
Historically speaking,everything shows up for a reason.As we all know ,the fixed formula of working five days a week has been formed a long time ago.Our ancestors have already made full consideration into the length of working days,therefore there is no need to change it.Apparently the 5-day working formula is adopted by most companies and enterprises nowadays,and the reason is clear because it is extremely suitable to both the physical and mental health for humanbeings.
不过最终结果还得看阅卷老师 他的心情也很重要.
不过最终结果还得看阅卷老师 他的心情也很重要.