英语翻译she pointed at her head 句子如何翻译 pointed I should be in the seat behind 句子如何翻译 should be 是组合吗 i'll go there at once 句子如何翻译they spoiling the film for us 句子如何翻译 spoiling在句子中是什么意思could you perhaps sit lower in your seat?i asked 句子如何翻译 sitlower是词组吗 是的话如何翻译t


she pointed at her head 句子如何翻译 pointed
I should be in the seat behind 句子如何翻译 should be 是组合吗
i'll go there at once 句子如何翻译
they spoiling the film for us 句子如何翻译 spoiling在句子中是什么意思
could you perhaps sit lower in your seat?i asked 句子如何翻译 sit
lower是词组吗 是的话如何翻译
they were spoiling the film for us
1.she pointed at her head 她指着她的头.pointed 指着
2.I should be in the seat behind 我应该在后面的座位.
should 是情态动词,后面要跟原形动词,可以是be,也可以使其他动词.如You should go now.你现在就应该去.
3.i'll go there at once 我要马上到那里去.
4.they spoiling the film for us 他们搅了我们的电影.
5.could you perhaps sit lower in your seat?i asked 能否请您在座位上坐得低一些?我问道.
sit lower是“往下坐一些”,不是词组,low是副词.
1.she pointed at her head 她指着她的头.pointed 指着
2.I should be in the seat behind 我应该在后面的座位.
should 是情态动词,后面要跟原形动词,可以是be,也可以使其他动词.如You should go now.你现在就应该去.
3.i'll go there at once 我要马上到那里去.
4.they spoiling the film for us 他们搅了我们的电影.
5.could you perhaps sit lower in your seat?i asked 能否请您在座位上坐得低一些?我问道.
sit lower是“往下坐一些”,不是词组,low是副词.