英语翻译翻译下列语句并用上括号里的单词.1 进房间时,我的疼痛一定很明显,因为我遇到的第一个人问我“你还好吗?”(must have sensed ,for)2到了老年时,那些对大学美好时光的回忆从未真正地从脑海中消退.(as,the memories of those ,never really left)3.这个加拿大年轻人本不打算在中国待很长时间,但他却爱上了一位中国姑娘并且和她结了婚.(hadn't ...but,hadn't后的单词用-ed后缀)


1 进房间时,我的疼痛一定很明显,因为我遇到的第一个人问我“你还好吗?”(must have sensed ,for)
2到了老年时,那些对大学美好时光的回忆从未真正地从脑海中消退.(as,the memories of those ,never really left)
3.这个加拿大年轻人本不打算在中国待很长时间,但他却爱上了一位中国姑娘并且和她结了婚.(hadn't ...but,hadn't后的单词用-ed后缀)
1.When I came into the room,my pain must have sensed,for the first person I met ask me,Are you alright?
2.As I got old,the memories of those happy life in collage had never really left.
3.This Canada young man hadn’t decided to stay in China for a long time but he fell in love with a Chinese girl and married her.
1.When I came into the room,my pain must have sensed,for the first person I met ask me,Are you alright?
2.As I got old,the memories of those happy life in collage had never really left.
3.This Canada young man hadn’t decided to stay in China for a long time but he fell in love with a Chinese girl and married her.