求英语作文120词左右,内容是关于英语课上你希望学到什么What I desire to learn from an English text比如口头表达能力,了解中西文化的差异,对大学毕业后工作方面有用的,实用的等等


What I desire to learn from an English text
What I desire to learn from an English lesson
The very question every Chinese student would like to address is what should be taught at an English lesson. Learning a language is unlike science or humanity subjectds and I do hope such lessons can be structured with interactive elements which can be engaging and thought-provoking. Apart from the basics such as grammar and pronunciation, I hope to be given more opportunities to speak more in class, and of course in English. I also hope to be taught more relevant writing skills, for example how to write an effective email or formal English letter.
What I desire to learn from an English lesson
The very question every Chinese student would like to address is what should be taught at an English lesson. Learning a language is unlike science or humanity subjectds and I do hope such lessons can be structured with interactive elements which can be engaging and thought-provoking. Apart from the basics such as grammar and pronunciation, I hope to be given more opportunities to speak more in class, and of course in English. I also hope to be taught more relevant writing skills, for example how to write an effective email or formal English letter.