英语短文改错(初二的),有能力的来When Tom Howard is seventeen years old,he is as taller as his father,so he begins to lend Mr.Howard's clothes when he wants to go out with her friends in the evening.Mr.Howard does not likes this,and he always gets very angry when he find


When Tom Howard is seventeen years old,he is as taller as his father,so he begins to lend Mr.Howard's clothes when he wants to go out with her friends in the evening.
Mr.Howard does not likes this,and he always gets very angry when he finds his son wearing any of his thing.One evening when Tom came upstais to go out,his mother stopped him in the hall.He looked at Tom's clothes very carefully.Then he said angrily,"Isn't that one of my ties,Tom?"
"Yes,Father,it is," answered Tom.
"And that shirt's mine,too."
"Yes,that's yours,also," answered Tom.
"And you're wearing my belt!" said Mr.Howard.
"Yes,I am,Farther," anwered Tom.
"You don't want your trousers fall down,do you?"
When Tom Howard was seventeen years old,he was as taller as his father,so he begins to borrow Mr.Howard's clothes when he wants to go out with his friends in the evening.
Mr.Howard does not like this,and he always gets very angry when he finds his son wearing any of his thing.One evening when Tom came downstais to go out,his father stopped him in the hall.He looked at Tom's clothes very carefully.Then he said angrily,"Isn't this one of my ties,Tom?"
"Yes,Father,it is," answered Tom.
"And that shirt's mine,either."
"Yes,that's yours,too," answered Tom.
"And you're wearing my belt!" said Mr.Howard.
"Yes,I do,Farther," anwered Tom.
"You don't want your trousers to fall down,do you?"
When Tom Howard was seventeen years old,he was as taller as his father,so he begins to borrow Mr.Howard's clothes when he wants to go out with his friends in the evening.
Mr.Howard does not like this,and he always gets very angry when he finds his son wearing any of his thing.One evening when Tom came downstais to go out,his father stopped him in the hall.He looked at Tom's clothes very carefully.Then he said angrily,"Isn't this one of my ties,Tom?"
"Yes,Father,it is," answered Tom.
"And that shirt's mine,either."
"Yes,that's yours,too," answered Tom.
"And you're wearing my belt!" said Mr.Howard.
"Yes,I do,Farther," anwered Tom.
"You don't want your trousers to fall down,do you?"