英语翻译只要人工翻译啊,软件翻译的算了啊皮影戏 - 起源皮影戏是中国出现最早的戏曲剧种之一。关于它最早起源于何时民间有不少说法。山西晋中一带的皮影艺人,供奉黄龙真人为祖师爷。据传早在殷商时代,黄龙真人与他的外甥剪兽皮成人形在窗前自娱,后人据此剪成纸窗影人,随之才有后来的纸窗影戏。而在陕西的皮影中,流传着这样一句话:“皮影戏始于汉,兴于唐,盛于宋”,并认为皮影发源于陕西。但这些民间传说并没有充分的证据。五代时已有类似影戏的雏形出现,为僧人俗讲之“变文”。“变文”是俗讲之底本,是僧人用说唱的形式演绎佛经故事。


皮影戏 -
Shadow play - History
Chinese shadow play is the earliest one of the Chinese operas.Has a long history,it originated in the folk have a lot of saying when.Shanxi Jinzhong in the vicinity of the shadow artist,Huanglong man for the zushi ye worship.Rumored as early as in the Shang Dynasty,Huanglong man and his nephew,cut into the figure of a man at the window for skins,later then cut paper window film,then have the paper window film later.While in Shaanxi the shadow,there is a saying:"shadow play began in the Han,originated in the Tang Dynasty,flourished in the song",and that the shadow rises in Shaanxi.But these folk tales and no sufficient evidence.
Tang,prototype have similar movies of five generation,Bianwen for monks vulgar talk ""."Narrative" is the original vulgar talk,the monk deduction of Buddhist stories with rap form.Speak with the image,like a comic strips,this sutra paintings are called "disguised".To explain these pictures of the text,a verse prose,there is Yin has song,can sing.This is a Tang Dynasty to the general public popularity of Buddhism art form,the shadow play artists and legends about the film began with the religious phase approximation.Taoism has a similar publicity doctrine of rap form,fine-sounding name "Daoqing",which originated in the Tang Dynasty "Tao qu".However,"Bian Wen","vulgar","Qing" although there are pictures,not real film,followed by "heart meaning change image for the paper,and after the change in skin",will have the embryonic form of shadow play.
Shadow play - History
Chinese shadow play is the earliest one of the Chinese operas.Has a long history,it originated in the folk have a lot of saying when.Shanxi Jinzhong in the vicinity of the shadow artist,Huanglong man for the zushi ye worship.Rumored as early as in the Shang Dynasty,Huanglong man and his nephew,cut into the figure of a man at the window for skins,later then cut paper window film,then have the paper window film later.While in Shaanxi the shadow,there is a saying:"shadow play began in the Han,originated in the Tang Dynasty,flourished in the song",and that the shadow rises in Shaanxi.But these folk tales and no sufficient evidence.
Tang,prototype have similar movies of five generation,Bianwen for monks vulgar talk ""."Narrative" is the original vulgar talk,the monk deduction of Buddhist stories with rap form.Speak with the image,like a comic strips,this sutra paintings are called "disguised".To explain these pictures of the text,a verse prose,there is Yin has song,can sing.This is a Tang Dynasty to the general public popularity of Buddhism art form,the shadow play artists and legends about the film began with the religious phase approximation.Taoism has a similar publicity doctrine of rap form,fine-sounding name "Daoqing",which originated in the Tang Dynasty "Tao qu".However,"Bian Wen","vulgar","Qing" although there are pictures,not real film,followed by "heart meaning change image for the paper,and after the change in skin",will have the embryonic form of shadow play.