英语翻译Dear ,:你好;没想到会以这种方式认识你,我先解释下那本书为什么会在那个桌上:那本书什么时候买的我就不说了,这本书拿到车间来都快一个月了,我每天吃完午饭的时候都拿过来看看,可能是由于我的疏忽忘了拿回去了,我那个柜子里还有很多本,你要看的话,我可以接给你看看.至于耳麦为什么也会在那里,那就更好解释了,我看书看累了,想听听歌而已,我说的都是实话,信不信由你.借此机会,顺便说点别的吧!如果我说的你不能接受,就当我什么都没说.我来贵公司也一年多了,我一直觉得你是个英明的领导,可你有的事却不是一个英明领


Dear ,:
Hello; Didn't expect to meet you in this way,I'll explain why the book ,which is at that table when buy what I won't say ,This book comes to the workshopalmost about a month,when I had lunch every day i often take it to come and see ,may be because of my negligence forgot to returned,I have a lot of this,if you want to see case,I can meet top show it to you.As for why would there headset,that's even better explain,I read or see tired,wanting to listen to the the music Above all is true what I said ,believe it or not.Take this opportunity,i want to say something else in this chance !If you can't accept what I said,just as I said nothing.I also come to your company more than a year,I always think you're a wise leadershipbecause of you have a skill ,which in saying some things,but you are a not wise leadership this some approaches :for example:you stare at employees when they are are working ,do you think that is meaning?If your leadership glare at where you do,how do you fell it?Why do we make to equipment sales no good you koow that is the quality problem ,Do you agree?Why is thing so?just because employees not hard work?Or what we make to equipment not advanced.I think this is not the main reason,clever leadership,only you can see,虽然有点小错误 ,但总体上是比下面好多了,大家说对不对/?heeh,下面的不要生气哦,你的英语不是很好啊 Hello; Didn't expect to meet you in this way,I'll explain why the book ,which is at that table when buy what I won't say ,This book comes to the workshopalmost about a month,when I had lunch every day i often take it to come and see ,may be because of my negligence forgot to returned,I have a lot of this,if you want to see case,I can meet top show it to you.As for why would there headset,that's even better explain,I read or see tired,wanting to listen to the the music Above all is true what I said ,believe it or not.Take this opportunity,i want to say something else in this chance !If you can't accept what I said,just as I said nothing.I also come to your company more than a year,I always think you're a wise leadershipbecause of you have a skill ,which in saying some things,but you are a not wise leadership this some approaches :for example:you stare at employees when they are are working ,do you think that is meaning?If your leadership glare at where you do,how do you fell it?Why do we make to equipment sales no good you koow that is the quality problem ,Do you agree?Why is thing so?just because employees not hard work?Or what we make to equipment not advanced.I think this is not the main reason,clever leadership,only you can see,虽然有点小错误 ,但总体上是比下面好多了,大家说对不对/?heeh,下面的不要生气哦,你的英语不是很好啊