牛津上海版八年级下册英语课文2我 要 8B 上海 版 牛津 英语 的 课文unit 2求上海 版 牛津 英语8B第二课原文 免费的 有没有好心人啊!我等着急用啊!谢谢了! 自己搞到了!Pollution fightersJUDY is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution.She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist,about trees.JUDY Why are you so i


我 要 8B 上海 版 牛津 英语 的 课文unit 2
求上海 版 牛津 英语8B第二课原文
Pollution fighters
JUDY is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution.She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist,about trees.
JUDY Why are you so interested in trees,Doctor Ray?
DR RAY They’re the biggest and oldest living things on earth,JUDY.
JUDY Yes, but what good are trees? They make streets more beautiful and less noisy,but what else can They do?
DR RAY Well, there’s wood in you pencil and the bench , rubber on the end of your pencil,and paper in you notebook----all from trees. And while you’re studying at home, do you like to eat an orange, or sip a coke or a coffee?
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