

( ) 1 _____ does a car cost in China? It costs about 250.000 yuan.
A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How old
( ) 2 Pass me the glasses. Tony. I can_____ watch TV.
A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly
( ) 3 Tom is ______ careful. hardly makes mistakes.
A. usually B. never C. always D. sometimes
( ) 4 This is the key _____ the door. don't lost it!
A. to B. of C. with D. about
( ) 5 _____ they are brothers. they don't look like each other.
A. Because B. though C. When D. As
( ) 6 I usually come to school _____.
A. by a bus B. on foot C. by foot D. on bus
( ) 7. It's ______ weather _____ a walk.
A. /…in B. a…for C. a…of D. /…for
( ) 8. He can't see ______ sun. as he is blind.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 9. He ________ come by bus.
A. some times B. sometimes C. some time D. sometime
( ) 10. Look. there are some apples ______ the trees.
A. on B. in C. of D. at
( ) 11. The little child knows _____ English. but he can say _____ some words.
A. many…some B. much…a few C. a little…few D. little…a few
( ) 12. Here's a letter from _____ to _____.
A. she…he. B. hers…him C. him…her D. her…him
( ) 13. Ask Tom. he ______ know the answers.
A. may B. can C. maybe D. may be
( ) 14. He can't ride the bike to school. I can't ______.
A. also B. too C. either D. neither
( ) 15. he was born _______ the night of July 21st. 1990.
A. on B. in C. at D. to
( ) 16. it's ______ for your eyes to read in bed.
A. good B. well C. badly D. bad
( ) 17. I'm full. I want ______ to eat.
A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
( ) 18. what's the matter with my ________. I can't hear anything.
A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose
( ) 19. I didn't want to learn ________ I heard the story about Gao Zhendong.
A. because B. until C. if D. since
( ) 20. what's wrong? I'm tired and I have lots of __________
A. a sore back B. headaches C. a bad cold D. a sore throat
( ) 21.----- I catch a bad cold. -----_______________.
A. I hope so B. I'm sorry to hear that C. I'm afraid not
( ) 22. Because you have ________ ying.
A. much too B. too much C. too many D. so many
( ) 23. ---Can you come and play with me? ---______.I have much work to do.
A. Excuse me B. I hope so C. I'm afraid not D. It's a pleasure
( ) 24. Do you know ______________?
A. the game will start B. is the game start
B. the game start D. shall we start the game
( ) 25. When the New Year comes. we'll have _____________ holiday.
A. three days B. three-days C. three days' D. three day's
( ) 26. Our team will come back from Greece ________ two days.
A. on B. in C. after D. for
( ) 27. I saw _____ enjoy______ in the park.
A. her…hers B. they…them C. she…herself D. them…themselves
( ) 28. Lucy and Lily are twins. Lily likes playing games.______ Lucy doesn't
A. and B. but C. or D. as
( ) 29. Li Ping is a student. ____________.
A. Tom is so B. Tom does so C. So is Tom D. So does Tom
( ) 30. I have a chair to sit ______. but nobody to talk ______.
A. on…to B. /…with C. on…/ D. /…to
( ) 31. We want to have some _____ for dinner. so we decide to catch ______ now.
A. fish…many B. fishes…much C. fish…much D. fishes…many
( ) 32. Hurry up. there is _________ time left.
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
( ) 33. _______ nice picture you gave me!
A. How B. What C. What a D. How a
( ) 34. She is ________ fat. because she eats ________ meat.
A. too much. too much B. much too. too much C. much too. much too
( ) 35. ____me carefully. Can you ____________
A. hear…listen B. hear…hear
C. listen to…hear D. listen to…listen to
( ) 36. The music. Moonlight Sonata. _____________really beautiful.
A. looks B. smells C. feels D. sounds
( ) 37. China is _______ the Great Wall.
A. on B. famous C. famous for D. famous as
( ) 38. ________ he is a child. ______ he knows much about the computer.
A. Though…but B. Although…but C. Because…so D. /…but
( ) 39. Could you tell me ______ she is looking for?
A. that B. whose C. who D. which
( ) 40. ----How soon will he return? ----_______.
A. Every week B. For 5 days C. In a week D. 5 meters
( ) 41. ----How long will he stay here? ----______
A. Every week B. For 5 days C. In a week D. 5 meters
( ) 42. This story must _______ more interesting than that one.
A. is B. will C. be D. quite
( ) 43. In China. _______ every student walk to school.
A. don't B. doesn't C. aren't D. isn't
( ) 44. We _______ play on the road. it's dangerous.
A. may not B. not C. mustn't D. can't
( ) 45. Please ________ the lights when you leave the room.
A. close B. open C. turn on D. turn off
( ) 46. The post office is about 1 kilometer __________.
A. far B. away C. far away D. long
( ) 47. We often ____ our teacher ____help.
A. ask…to B. asks…for C. ask…for D. want…to
( ) 48. Chinese drink tea with ______________.
A. cup and plate B. a cup and a plate C. A cup and plate
( ) 49. ----Don't you forget your homework? ----________.
A. Yes. I don't B. No. I do C. yes. I am D. No. I don't
( ) 50. ---Is Mr black really ill? ---_________.He's in hospital.
A. I hope so B. No. he isn't C. I'm afraid so D. He is OK
( ) 51. Maybe I won't come back_______six o'clock. Don't wait.
A. away B. if C. until D. when
( ) 52. The __________ is very hard. I can't answer it.
A. problem B. question C.matter D. thing
( ) 53. He didn't eat lunch. I didn't .________.
A. too B. also C. either D. so
( ) 54. He is the tallest ______ our school.
A. of B. in C. from D. to
( ) 55. I am better at ________ than ________.
A. singing…dance B. sing…dancing C. sing…dance D. singing…dancing
( ) 56. It's raining _____________.
A. more and more heavily B. heavier and heavier C. more and more heavy
( ) 57. Take more exercise. you will be _________ healthier.
A. very B. more C. quite D. much
( ) 58. _____ you agree _______ me?
A. Do…to B. Are…to C. Do…with D. Are…with
( ) 59. the dog is running___________ a mouse.
A. quick with B. quick to C. quickly after D. quick after
( ) 60. We should study __________.
A. hardly B. good C. hard D. hardly ever
( ) 61. They _______ the tall tree in the yard.
A. cut off B. cut up C. cut down D. cut on
( ) 62. Please give ______ _______ pen.
A. my…me B. his…his C. her…her D. his…his
( ) 63. ______ do you ________ sushi(寿司)?
A. How…do B. What…make C. How…make D. What…do
( ) 64. The mooncake _______ cheese is about $ 25.
A. of B. in C. has D. with
( ) 65. Did you _______ bread yesterday?
A. had B. ate C. have D. drink
( ) 66. ______ there a coffee bar in the town when you was a child?
A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was
( ) 67. He was born _______ a cold night.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
( ) 68. ---I met Chairman Jiang last week. ---Oh. ________? that sounds impossible.
A. real B. really C. true D. surely
( ) 69. I Watched a wonderful film __________.
A. in last evening B. on this evening C. on the night D. last night
( ) 70. My brother likes ________(read) the early newspaper.
A. to reading B. reading C. reads D. read
( ) 71. ---Where's Kate. Ann?
--- She ______ to Shanghai.
A. goes B. is go C. was go D. went
( ) 72. _______ everyone here now?
A. Was B. Were C. Is D. Are
( ) 73. If you broke the glass. you must ___________.
A. pay for it B. pay it for C. paid for it D. paid it for
( ) 74. My birthday is ________November 21st.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
( ) 75. Michael Jordan was born ______ February.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
( ) 76. Of the two cities. I think Chongqing is ______ one.
A. hotter B. the hotter C. the hottest D. hottest
( ) 77. ---Witch do you prefer. orange or coke? ---_____. I want a cup of tea.
A. either B. Neither C. Both D. None
( ) 78. Thanks for __________.
A. you help B. your helping C. your help me D. your help
( ) 79. ---Can you hear a girl ______ in the room? ---Yes. let's go to see her.
A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. is singing
( ) 80. This pair of pants ________ than Mary's.
A. are long B. is much longer C. are much long D. is long
( ) 81. He _______ an hour in finish his work.
A. takes B. took C. spent D.cost
( ) 82. We can have the 11th winter sports when it's _________.
A. cold B. enough fine C. dry enough D. wet enough
( ) 83. The ______ dolphin is lying on the floor.
A. ill B. sick C. sickly D. illness
( ) 84. What's __________ with you ?
A. matter B. the wrong C. the trouble D. a matter
( ) 85. I'll meet you ______ the night of December 22. 2004.
A. on B. at C. in D. of
( ) 86. I don't like meat because it's ________ fat.
A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too
( ) 87. ________ cinnamon do we need?
A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How old
( ) 88. ________ look out of the windows.
A. Not B. Fangfang C. Don't D. Aren't
( ) 89. I'm hungry. Please give some __________ to eat.
A. a bread B. some bread C. a cake D. two pieces of cake
( ) 90. He ______ brothers ________ sisters.
A. has…or B. doesn't have…and C. doesn't have…or D. have…and
( ) 91. _______ of the two boys are funny.
A. All B. Both C. Any D. Either
( ) 92. Wei Wei is __________.
A. five-year-old boy B. a five years boy C. five years old
( ) 93. What are busy __________ these days?
A. do B. with C. doing D. to do
( ) 94. We often do _________ homework in the evening.
A. us B. we C. ours D. our
( ) 95. Jane knows two languages. she can speak _______ English______ French.
A. either…or B. neither…nor C. both…and D. so…that
( ) 96. ----Excuse me. look at the sign NO SMOKING. ----Sorry. I ______ it.
A. don't see B. didn't see C. doesn't see D. won't see
( ) 97. Miss Liu ____________ half an hour ago.
A. reached to home B. got home C. arrived at home D. reached
( ) 98. ----Who swept the classroom? ----I_________.
A. do B. did C. swept D. was
( ) 99. I have never seen __________ interesting film.
A. an such B. quite a C. very an D. such an
( ) 100 It is a comedy ____________ Happiness.
A. call B. called C. was named D. was called
( ) 101 ________ a coat with you. it's cold outside.
A. Bring B. Put C. Get D. Take
( ) 102 May I ask you ________ questions?
A. some B. any C. a D. a little
( ) 103 The girl _________ blue is his sister.
A. wears B. in C. puts on D. with
( ) 104 I'm going to ____hospital to see my friend. he is ill in ______hospital.
A./…the B. a…theC. the…a D. the…/
( ) 105 He often helps me _______ my homework.
A. with B. in C. by D. on
( ) 106. there is a hole ___________ the wall.
A. on B. in C. of D. at
( ) 1 _____ does a car cost in China? It costs about 250.000 yuan.
A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How old
( ) 2 Pass me the glasses. Tony. I can_____ watch TV.
A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly
( ) 3 Tom is ______ careful. hardly makes mistakes.
A. usually B. never C. always D. sometimes
( ) 4 This is the key _____ the door. don't lost it!
A. to B. of C. with D. about
( ) 5 _____ they are brothers. they don't look like each other.
A. Because B. though C. When D. As
( ) 6 I usually come to school _____.
A. by a bus B. on foot C. by foot D. on bus
( ) 7. It's ______ weather _____ a walk.
A. /…in B. a…for C. a…of D. /…for
( ) 8. He can't see ______ sun. as he is blind.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 9. He ________ come by bus.
A. some times B. sometimes C. some time D. sometime
( ) 10. Look. there are some apples ______ the trees.
A. on B. in C. of D. at
( ) 11. The little child knows _____ English. but he can say _____ some words.
A. many…some B. much…a few C. a little…few D. little…a few
( ) 12. Here's a letter from _____ to _____.
A. she…he. B. hers…him C. him…her D. her…him
( ) 13. Ask Tom. he ______ know the answers.
A. may B. can C. maybe D. may be
( ) 14. He can't ride the bike to school. I can't ______.
A. also B. too C. either D. neither
( ) 15. he was born _______ the night of July 21st. 1990.
A. on B. in C. at D. to
( ) 16. it's ______ for your eyes to read in bed.
A. good B. well C. badly D. bad
( ) 17. I'm full. I want ______ to eat.
A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
( ) 18. what's the matter with my ________. I can't hear anything.
A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose
( ) 19. I didn't want to learn ________ I heard the story about Gao Zhendong.
A. because B. until C. if D. since
( ) 20. what's wrong? I'm tired and I have lots of __________
A. a sore back B. headaches C. a bad cold D. a sore throat
( ) 21.----- I catch a bad cold. -----_______________.
A. I hope so B. I'm sorry to hear that C. I'm afraid not
( ) 22. Because you have ________ ying.
A. much too B. too much C. too many D. so many
( ) 23. ---Can you come and play with me? ---______.I have much work to do.
A. Excuse me B. I hope so C. I'm afraid not D. It's a pleasure
( ) 24. Do you know ______________?
A. the game will start B. is the game start
B. the game start D. shall we start the game
( ) 25. When the New Year comes. we'll have _____________ holiday.
A. three days B. three-days C. three days' D. three day's
( ) 26. Our team will come back from Greece ________ two days.
A. on B. in C. after D. for
( ) 27. I saw _____ enjoy______ in the park.
A. her…hers B. they…them C. she…herself D. them…themselves
( ) 28. Lucy and Lily are twins. Lily likes playing games.______ Lucy doesn't
A. and B. but C. or D. as
( ) 29. Li Ping is a student. ____________.
A. Tom is so B. Tom does so C. So is Tom D. So does Tom
( ) 30. I have a chair to sit ______. but nobody to talk ______.
A. on…to B. /…with C. on…/ D. /…to
( ) 31. We want to have some _____ for dinner. so we decide to catch ______ now.
A. fish…many B. fishes…much C. fish…much D. fishes…many
( ) 32. Hurry up. there is _________ time left.
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
( ) 33. _______ nice picture you gave me!
A. How B. What C. What a D. How a
( ) 34. She is ________ fat. because she eats ________ meat.
A. too much. too much B. much too. too much C. much too. much too
( ) 35. ____me carefully. Can you ____________
A. hear…listen B. hear…hear
C. listen to…hear D. listen to…listen to
( ) 36. The music. Moonlight Sonata. _____________really beautiful.
A. looks B. smells C. feels D. sounds
( ) 37. China is _______ the Great Wall.
A. on B. famous C. famous for D. famous as
( ) 38. ________ he is a child. ______ he knows much about the computer.
A. Though…but B. Although…but C. Because…so D. /…but
( ) 39. Could you tell me ______ she is looking for?
A. that B. whose C. who D. which
( ) 40. ----How soon will he return? ----_______.
A. Every week B. For 5 days C. In a week D. 5 meters
( ) 41. ----How long will he stay here? ----______
A. Every week B. For 5 days C. In a week D. 5 meters
( ) 42. This story must _______ more interesting than that one.
A. is B. will C. be D. quite
( ) 43. In China. _______ every student walk to school.
A. don't B. doesn't C. aren't D. isn't
( ) 44. We _______ play on the road. it's dangerous.
A. may not B. not C. mustn't D. can't
( ) 45. Please ________ the lights when you leave the room.
A. close B. open C. turn on D. turn off
( ) 46. The post office is about 1 kilometer __________.
A. far B. away C. far away D. long
( ) 47. We often ____ our teacher ____help.
A. ask…to B. asks…for C. ask…for D. want…to
( ) 48. Chinese drink tea with ______________.
A. cup and plate B. a cup and a plate C. A cup and plate
( ) 49. ----Don't you forget your homework? ----________.
A. Yes. I don't B. No. I do C. yes. I am D. No. I don't
( ) 50. ---Is Mr black really ill? ---_________.He's in hospital.
A. I hope so B. No. he isn't C. I'm afraid so D. He is OK
( ) 51. Maybe I won't come back_______six o'clock. Don't wait.
A. away B. if C. until D. when
( ) 52. The __________ is very hard. I can't answer it.
A. problem B. question C.matter D. thing
( ) 53. He didn't eat lunch. I didn't .________.
A. too B. also C. either D. so
( ) 54. He is the tallest ______ our school.
A. of B. in C. from D. to
( ) 55. I am better at ________ than ________.
A. singing…dance B. sing…dancing C. sing…dance D. singing…dancing
( ) 56. It's raining _____________.
A. more and more heavily B. heavier and heavier C. more and more heavy
( ) 57. Take more exercise. you will be _________ healthier.
A. very B. more C. quite D. much
( ) 58. _____ you agree _______ me?
A. Do…to B. Are…to C. Do…with D. Are…with
( ) 59. the dog is running___________ a mouse.
A. quick with B. quick to C. quickly after D. quick after
( ) 60. We should study __________.
A. hardly B. good C. hard D. hardly ever
( ) 61. They _______ the tall tree in the yard.
A. cut off B. cut up C. cut down D. cut on
( ) 62. Please give ______ _______ pen.
A. my…me B. his…his C. her…her D. his…his
( ) 63. ______ do you ________ sushi(寿司)?
A. How…do B. What…make C. How…make D. What…do
( ) 64. The mooncake _______ cheese is about $ 25.
A. of B. in C. has D. with
( ) 65. Did you _______ bread yesterday?
A. had B. ate C. have D. drink
( ) 66. ______ there a coffee bar in the town when you was a child?
A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was
( ) 67. He was born _______ a cold night.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
( ) 68. ---I met Chairman Jiang last week. ---Oh. ________? that sounds impossible.
A. real B. really C. true D. surely
( ) 69. I Watched a wonderful film __________.
A. in last evening B. on this evening C. on the night D. last night
( ) 70. My brother likes ________(read) the early newspaper.
A. to reading B. reading C. reads D. read
( ) 71. ---Where's Kate. Ann?
--- She ______ to Shanghai.
A. goes B. is go C. was go D. went
( ) 72. _______ everyone here now?
A. Was B. Were C. Is D. Are
( ) 73. If you broke the glass. you must ___________.
A. pay for it B. pay it for C. paid for it D. paid it for
( ) 74. My birthday is ________November 21st.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
( ) 75. Michael Jordan was born ______ February.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
( ) 76. Of the two cities. I think Chongqing is ______ one.
A. hotter B. the hotter C. the hottest D. hottest
( ) 77. ---Witch do you prefer. orange or coke? ---_____. I want a cup of tea.
A. either B. Neither C. Both D. None
( ) 78. Thanks for __________.
A. you help B. your helping C. your help me D. your help
( ) 79. ---Can you hear a girl ______ in the room? ---Yes. let's go to see her.
A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. is singing
( ) 80. This pair of pants ________ than Mary's.
A. are long B. is much longer C. are much long D. is long
( ) 81. He _______ an hour in finish his work.
A. takes B. took C. spent D.cost
( ) 82. We can have the 11th winter sports when it's _________.
A. cold B. enough fine C. dry enough D. wet enough
( ) 83. The ______ dolphin is lying on the floor.
A. ill B. sick C. sickly D. illness
( ) 84. What's __________ with you ?
A. matter B. the wrong C. the trouble D. a matter
( ) 85. I'll meet you ______ the night of December 22. 2004.
A. on B. at C. in D. of
( ) 86. I don't like meat because it's ________ fat.
A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too
( ) 87. ________ cinnamon do we need?
A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How old
( ) 88. ________ look out of the windows.
A. Not B. Fangfang C. Don't D. Aren't
( ) 89. I'm hungry. Please give some __________ to eat.
A. a bread B. some bread C. a cake D. two pieces of cake
( ) 90. He ______ brothers ________ sisters.
A. has…or B. doesn't have…and C. doesn't have…or D. have…and
( ) 91. _______ of the two boys are funny.
A. All B. Both C. Any D. Either
( ) 92. Wei Wei is __________.
A. five-year-old boy B. a five years boy C. five years old
( ) 93. What are busy __________ these days?
A. do B. with C. doing D. to do
( ) 94. We often do _________ homework in the evening.
A. us B. we C. ours D. our
( ) 95. Jane knows two languages. she can speak _______ English______ French.
A. either…or B. neither…nor C. both…and D. so…that
( ) 96. ----Excuse me. look at the sign NO SMOKING. ----Sorry. I ______ it.
A. don't see B. didn't see C. doesn't see D. won't see
( ) 97. Miss Liu ____________ half an hour ago.
A. reached to home B. got home C. arrived at home D. reached
( ) 98. ----Who swept the classroom? ----I_________.
A. do B. did C. swept D. was
( ) 99. I have never seen __________ interesting film.
A. an such B. quite a C. very an D. such an
( ) 100 It is a comedy ____________ Happiness.
A. call B. called C. was named D. was called
( ) 101 ________ a coat with you. it's cold outside.
A. Bring B. Put C. Get D. Take
( ) 102 May I ask you ________ questions?
A. some B. any C. a D. a little
( ) 103 The girl _________ blue is his sister.
A. wears B. in C. puts on D. with
( ) 104 I'm going to ____hospital to see my friend. he is ill in ______hospital.
A./…the B. a…theC. the…a D. the…/
( ) 105 He often helps me _______ my homework.
A. with B. in C. by D. on
( ) 106. there is a hole ___________ the wall.
A. on B. in C. of D. at
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