英语翻译明天早上就要用,请不要机译,那我也会.我刚上大一,最好只用四级以下的单词!一篇说说自己优缺点的文章,我用汉语写好了,请精通英语的翻译一下,全文如下:我的优点和缺点 我不认为一个人真的能够看到自己的优点和缺点,但这篇文章又必须完成,那就说说我认为的自己吧——尽管那大多是不准确的.首先我为自己感到骄傲,因为我自以为了解很多会做很多,但这恐怕算不上什么优点,毕竟知识和技能人人都能通过学习掌握.我觉得自己最大的优点是有一个良好的心态.我会积极地做许多事,而对那些无能为力的事会一笑了之,这使得我很少生气.我


My virtues and drawbacks
I don't think a man could know his or her virtues and drawbacks very exactly. However this article must be done. Okay, then let me talk about myself in my image, though maybe most of them aren't right.
Firstly, I'm proud of myself. Because I think i know a lot of things and i have the ability to do it. Maybe it can't be called virtues, because knowledges and skills can be learnt by many people. I think the biggest virtue i have is that i have a good attitude. I do things positively, give a smile when i fail. I think attitude is everything.
My drawbacks can't be calculated by tons. The biggest problem i have is to evade those boring personnel relationship,I hate doing a meaningless thing with a group of people. The personnel relation is so important in someone's work, however i want to evade it.
My virtues and drawbacks
I don't think a man could know his or her virtues and drawbacks very exactly. However this article must be done. Okay, then let me talk about myself in my image, though maybe most of them aren't right.
Firstly, I'm proud of myself. Because I think i know a lot of things and i have the ability to do it. Maybe it can't be called virtues, because knowledges and skills can be learnt by many people. I think the biggest virtue i have is that i have a good attitude. I do things positively, give a smile when i fail. I think attitude is everything.
My drawbacks can't be calculated by tons. The biggest problem i have is to evade those boring personnel relationship,I hate doing a meaningless thing with a group of people. The personnel relation is so important in someone's work, however i want to evade it.