求一篇关于号召大家为饥饿儿童捐款的英语作文假设你是高中学生李华,现在你在Food for Children Fund这一组织担任志愿者.请你代表该组织向你所在学校的师生写一封120词左右的倡议信,号召大家为饥饿儿童捐款.要点如下:1.因为贫穷,一些孩子饥寒交迫.2.希望人们伸出援助之手.注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.Ps.高中生的作文不要有太高级的词汇啊,随便应付一下老师就得


假设你是高中学生李华,现在你在Food for Children Fund这一组织担任志愿者.请你代表该组织向你所在学校的师生写一封120词左右的倡议信,号召大家为饥饿儿童捐款.要点如下:1.因为贫穷,一些孩子饥寒交迫.2.希望人们伸出援助之手.注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.Ps.高中生的作文不要有太高级的词汇啊,随便应付一下老师就得
Improving life for chldren and families worldwide is the mission of Aid For Kids. Currently,the focus is on humanitarian aid projects in Vietnam under the direction of Joy MyLien Degenhardt and supporting projects in Haiti,Africa and El Salvador. Aid for Kids,also known as the Degenhardt Foundation,is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Beach Basketball Cu Lau Cham Style Aid for Kids is the first and only NGO (charity) to provide services to Cu Lau Cham - one of the island in the China Sea off the coast of Vietnam. Projects include dental and medical missions,a book and toy library,volunteers to teach English, arts and crafts and games. The children were having a great time with all activities - and the women who have nothing else to do except work - wanted to have some fun. The staff developed a
Improving life for chldren and families worldwide is the mission of Aid For Kids. Currently,the focus is on humanitarian aid projects in Vietnam under the direction of Joy MyLien Degenhardt and supporting projects in Haiti,Africa and El Salvador. Aid for Kids,also known as the Degenhardt Foundation,is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Beach Basketball Cu Lau Cham Style Aid for Kids is the first and only NGO (charity) to provide services to Cu Lau Cham - one of the island in the China Sea off the coast of Vietnam. Projects include dental and medical missions,a book and toy library,volunteers to teach English, arts and crafts and games. The children were having a great time with all activities - and the women who have nothing else to do except work - wanted to have some fun. The staff developed a