请根据以下提示,以“Helping others is happy”为题,写一篇英文短文 内容:1.过去我将钱花在买衣服和零食上;    2.三年前老师告诉我们有许多贫困儿童没有衣物食品,更不能上学  3.从那以后,我将零花钱捐给一个名为UNICEF的机构,此机构主要帮助教儿童;  4.我为能帮助别人而自豪. 要求:1.适当发挥,条理清晰,表达无误  2.不要逐字逐句翻译,总词数不少于60.


请根据以下提示,以“Helping others is happy”为题,写一篇英文短文
 内容:1.过去我将钱花在买衣服和零食上;    2.三年前老师告诉我们有许多贫困儿童没有衣物食品,更不能上学  3.从那以后,我将零花钱捐给一个名为UNICEF的机构,此机构主要帮助教儿童;  4.我为能帮助别人而自豪. 要求:1.适当发挥,条理清晰,表达无误  2.不要逐字逐句翻译,总词数不少于60.
Helping Others Is Happy
I am a Chinese student in a city. In my past, I always spent much money on buying clothes and snacks. However, I am different now. It was three years ago that my teacher told us there are a lot of poor children who have no clothes or food, and they cannot afford to school. Since then, I have been donating almost all of my pocket money to an organization called UNICEF, which helps children to get education. I am so proud of myself that I can help others by this way. We will always feel happy when we are helping others.
Helping Others Is Happy
I am a Chinese student in a city. In my past, I always spent much money on buying clothes and snacks. However, I am different now. It was three years ago that my teacher told us there are a lot of poor children who have no clothes or food, and they cannot afford to school. Since then, I have been donating almost all of my pocket money to an organization called UNICEF, which helps children to get education. I am so proud of myself that I can help others by this way. We will always feel happy when we are helping others.