求英语帝五句中翻英句子拜托用括号里的词组造,谢谢.1、我们所从事的是一项很重要的事业.(be engaged in)2、我们每个人都要努力学习,以跟上时代的新发展.(keep up to date with)3、记得与客户合作时要明确地表达自己的意思.(keep in mind)4、那家外国公司很乐意与Casio公司在计算机方面进行合作.(cooperate with)5、我们保证在今年年底前完成任务.(guarantee)


拜托用括号里的词组造,谢谢.1、我们所从事的是一项很重要的事业.(be engaged in)2、我们每个人都要努力学习,以跟上时代的新发展.(keep up to date with)3、记得与客户合作时要明确地表达自己的意思.(keep in mind)4、那家外国公司很乐意与Casio公司在计算机方面进行合作.(cooperate with)5、我们保证在今年年底前完成任务.(guarantee)
1. We are engaged in a serious business.
2. We should try hard to keep up to date with the society.
3. Be keep in mind to express yourself clearly when dealing with customers.
4. The international foreign company is very willingly to cooperate with Casio in the computer market.
4. We can guarantee that the mission is going to complete by the end of the year.
1. We are engaged in a serious business.
2. We should try hard to keep up to date with the society.
3. Be keep in mind to express yourself clearly when dealing with customers.
4. The international foreign company is very willingly to cooperate with Casio in the computer market.
4. We can guarantee that the mission is going to complete by the end of the year.