英语翻译你们听过ungelivable这个单词么?没错、这个单词其实就是最近异常火爆的“不给力”的英文.事实上、这并不是一个地道的英文词汇、而是一个中式英语.这个单词最先由“生活周刊”在微博里提出,并且在短短几个小时内被转发了上万次.前缀un在英语中表示否定、可以翻译成“不”;后缀able在英语中表示单词为形容词;而中间的geli就是直接音译自中文的“给力”.有网友戏称、ungelivable可能是有史以来传播的最快的英文单词.ungelivable意为not strong,not powerful,no


ungelivable意为not strong,not powerful,not cool and not awesome,etc.我想这个应该不用我多作解释了吧,那可就真的太ungelivable了.
其实像这样的中式英语还有很多,最著名的可能就是longtimenosee、goodgoodstudy daydayup.如果ungelivable真被收录进英语词典,那首先要归功于中文原词“不给力”.
I want to ask you a question:Have you heard the word ungelivable it?Yes,the word is actually extremely strong recently,"not to force " in English.In fact,this is not a native English word,but a Chinese-style English.The first word from "Life Week"in the micro-Bo Liti out,and in just a few hours to be forwarded thousands of times.
Prefix un negation in English that can be translated into "no"; suffix able in English,that word as an adjective; the middle of the geli is a direct transliteration from the Chinese "to the force." Fun?A net friend joked,ungelivable may be the fastest ever in the English word spread.
ungelivable means not strong,not powerful,not cool and not awesome,etc.I think this should be no need for me to explain it,if you do not know,it may really be too ungelivable out.
In fact,like many Chinese-style English,the most famous is probably the longtimenosee,goodgoodstudy daydayup.If ungelivable really be included into the English dictionary,that first of all thanks to the original words in Chinese,"not to force."
I want to ask you a question:Have you heard the word ungelivable it?Yes,the word is actually extremely strong recently,"not to force " in English.In fact,this is not a native English word,but a Chinese-style English.The first word from "Life Week"in the micro-Bo Liti out,and in just a few hours to be forwarded thousands of times.
Prefix un negation in English that can be translated into "no"; suffix able in English,that word as an adjective; the middle of the geli is a direct transliteration from the Chinese "to the force." Fun?A net friend joked,ungelivable may be the fastest ever in the English word spread.
ungelivable means not strong,not powerful,not cool and not awesome,etc.I think this should be no need for me to explain it,if you do not know,it may really be too ungelivable out.
In fact,like many Chinese-style English,the most famous is probably the longtimenosee,goodgoodstudy daydayup.If ungelivable really be included into the English dictionary,that first of all thanks to the original words in Chinese,"not to force."