求一篇商务英语文章内容是:Writing a Counter-offers payment according to the following particulars.敬启者:我们已收到贵方4月15日的信函及样品.顺告贵方,我方对贵方样品测试很满意.但是非常抱歉告之贵方价格偏高并且已高出市场价格.有信息显示贵方所报盘的品牌此地可以从其他供货地获得并且比贵价格低很多.我们不否认贵方产品的质量较好,然而,不论怎样,价格也不能差异太大.如贵方同意降低贵方限价,比方说5%,我们可能成交.我们希望贵方考虑我们最有


内容是:Writing a Counter-offers payment according to the following particulars.
Dear sir:
Thank you for your letter and sample of April 15.
As you konw ,we are very satisfied with the sample tests.but your price is considerably above our usual figures and it's over the market price already.Based on available information,the brand you have offerd can be obtained from other places.The price is much lower than yours.We cannot deny that your product's quality is better than others,however,whatever the case may be,the gap between your price and ours should not be too great.To have this business concluded,you need to lower your price at least by 5 percent,we believe.
We need to point out that this is the best we can do and we hope the revised quotation would allow you to place an order with us at an early date.
Your Sincerely
Dear sir:
Thank you for your letter and sample of April 15.
As you konw ,we are very satisfied with the sample tests.but your price is considerably above our usual figures and it's over the market price already.Based on available information,the brand you have offerd can be obtained from other places.The price is much lower than yours.We cannot deny that your product's quality is better than others,however,whatever the case may be,the gap between your price and ours should not be too great.To have this business concluded,you need to lower your price at least by 5 percent,we believe.
We need to point out that this is the best we can do and we hope the revised quotation would allow you to place an order with us at an early date.
Your Sincerely