英语作文小组活动(group work)是我们英语课堂中常用的学习方法之一 写一篇短文 介绍我们是如何在课堂中开展小组活动的,并结合你的实际情况,谈谈小组活动给你的英语学习带来了哪些好处 80词左右 have different tasks → discuss the topic → write down the key points and form a report → make a report → good points.就围绕着这几点、谢谢、求帮助啊


小组活动(group work)是我们英语课堂中常用的学习方法之一 写一篇短文 介绍我们是如何在课堂中开展小组活动的,并结合你的实际情况,谈谈小组活动给你的英语学习带来了哪些好处 80词左右 have different tasks → discuss the topic → write down the key points and form a report → make a report → good points.就围绕着这几点、谢谢、求帮助啊
as we know,group work is one of the study method during english study.it can bring us many benifits ,so it is many teachers and students best choince while study . as far as i am concerned,different groups have different tasks ,and we discuss the topic with our groupmenbers,we change point with eachothers.at the end of the dicuss,we must get a same point,and then write down the key points and foorm a report.we make a report out of the class.,and hand it in next class .last,our teacher will choose some good points among them. so it is a good study method for everyone. as we know,group work is one of the study method during english study.it can bring us many benifits ,so it is many teachers and students best choince while study . as far as i am concerned,different groups have different tasks ,and we discuss the topic with our groupmenbers,we change point with eachothers.at the end of the dicuss,we must get a same point,and then write down the key points and foorm a report.we make a report out of the class.,and hand it in next class .last,our teacher will choose some good points among them. so it is a good study method for everyone.