汉译英,Good morning,everyone.Today I would like to begin with three keywords.They are Asian-American,Harvard graduates,been cut by two NBA teams.Who is he?Give me an answer.Yeah,that’s right!He is Lin Shuhao,we also could call him Jeremy Lin,who is one of th


Good morning,everyone.Today I would like to begin with three keywords.They are Asian-American,Harvard graduates,been cut by two NBA teams.Who is he?Give me an answer.Yeah,that’s right!He is Lin Shuhao,we also could call him Jeremy Lin,who is one of the most popular NBA players now.We all know that he has completed a great achievement during the past two weeks.Today,I want to talk about what we can learn from him.
大家早上好,今天我要以三个关键词开场.这三个关键词是美籍华裔人、哈佛毕业生、两次被NBA球队裁掉.这说的是谁?给我一个答案.对了,他就是林书豪,我们也可以称他为Jeremy Lin,他现在是NBA最为抢眼的球星之一.我们都知道他在过去的两周内取得了很好的战绩.今天,我们就来谈谈我们可以从他身上学到些什么. 大家早上好,今天我要以三个关键词开场.这三个关键词是美籍华裔人、哈佛毕业生、两次被NBA球队裁掉.这说的是谁?给我一个答案.对了,他就是林书豪,我们也可以称他为Jeremy Lin,他现在是NBA最为抢眼的球星之一.我们都知道他在过去的两周内取得了很好的战绩.今天,我们就来谈谈我们可以从他身上学到些什么.