她比我想的还要好 英语1 我觉得她 比其他女孩 / 比那两个女孩 更加适合你.2 你觉得 哪一件衣服 / 哪双鞋子 更适合我呢?3 你认为这两件衣服,哪一件更好看?4 我不知道我适合哪种发型.,你觉得我适合什么发型?5 她比我想的 还要好 / 还要差6 我在想的是 如何让自己成功,而不是整天抱怨英语翻译.


她比我想的还要好 英语
1 我觉得她 比其他女孩 / 比那两个女孩 更加适合你.
2 你觉得 哪一件衣服 / 哪双鞋子 更适合我呢?
3 你认为这两件衣服,哪一件更好看?
4 我不知道我适合哪种发型.,你觉得我适合什么发型?
5 她比我想的 还要好 / 还要差
6 我在想的是 如何让自己成功,而不是整天抱怨
1 / I think she is more than any other girl than the two girls is more suitable for you.
2 do you think which a dress/which pair of shoes is more suitable for me?
3 do you think this two pieces of clothes,which one look better?
4 I don't know me for what kind of hairstyle.What,what do you think is suitable for my hair?
5.She is even poorer/better than I thought it would be
6 I wonder is how to make yourself successful,rather than complain all day
1 / I think she is more than any other girl than the two girls is more suitable for you.
2 do you think which a dress/which pair of shoes is more suitable for me?
3 do you think this two pieces of clothes,which one look better?
4 I don't know me for what kind of hairstyle.What,what do you think is suitable for my hair?
5.She is even poorer/better than I thought it would be
6 I wonder is how to make yourself successful,rather than complain all day