谁英语语音语调特别好,不仅是口语好,而且是语调语音好,接近外国人或有那个范儿.是不是这样的人唱歌一定都很好就是英语语音语调好的,而且不是那种花了很大力气练出来的语调好,当然肯定也要练,就是那种,普通人花10分努力练,他花6.7分的功夫就轻松掌握英语语调的人是不是这样的人 掌握节奏感的能力都特别强.所以唱歌一定都听好听的请语音语调好的人来回答 到底是不是这样的情况,或请身边有英语特别好的人回答觉得天生唱歌好的,掌握节奏的能力快,所以也许就很容易掌握英语的节奏,也不是很容易,我是说相对比天生节奏感不强的会


是不是这样的人 掌握节奏感的能力都特别强.所以唱歌一定都听好听的
请语音语调好的人来回答 到底是不是这样的情况,或请身边有英语特别好的人回答
觉得天生唱歌好的,掌握节奏的能力快,所以也许就很容易掌握英语的节奏,也不是很容易,我是说相对比天生节奏感不强的会容易很多 所以会觉得他们聪明
而且 天生掌握节奏好的话,不仅说英语 说着好听 有调, 别人说的时候,他也能听懂,很快跟上节奏,所以听力肯定也好 是不是这样
对了,你到了美国后多久 听力开始到接近母语 或者母语水平的啊 .
sorry i cant type chinese right now.
but i think it's definitely true that people who have a good sense of pitch can pronounce language better than average.
I came to U.S.three years ago and most people think I was born here cuz i barely have accent speaking english.I think this is because I am good at singing.
My boyfriend who is an American born Korean sings in a band.I tried to teach him chinese and he can pronounce it better than average foreigners.
sorry i cant type chinese right now.
but i think it's definitely true that people who have a good sense of pitch can pronounce language better than average.
I came to U.S.three years ago and most people think I was born here cuz i barely have accent speaking english.I think this is because I am good at singing.
My boyfriend who is an American born Korean sings in a band.I tried to teach him chinese and he can pronounce it better than average foreigners.