

[p] pot pig put people piano
[b] book bag big job bear
[t] tooth teacher tea table task
[d] dog dig duck dad double
[k] cake keep cat cup cap
[g] grandpa girl green good god
[f] father fat foot full fit
[v] five very vent drive vary
[s] small study bus yes must
[z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig
[θ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth
[δ] those these that this there
[ ʃ ] cash bush shake shoe ship
[ʒ] measure pleasure leisure usually vision
[tʃ ] chair chicken lunch change bench
[dʒ] jack job jump jam jiggle
[tr] tree truck train track tripping
[dr] dress drink drain drive draw
[ts] students coats cats secrets planets
[dz] beds odds codes blackboards golds
[m] mum moon morning mother make
[n] noon nut needle neck nothing
[ŋ] ink link ring among sank
[h] hello hurry hey happiness hate
[l] look leg lake lab lane
[r] rain radio room reason reel
[w] window wake week wife wish
[ j] yellow yes you your yummy
[e] yes yellow bed dead feather
[æ] cat bad dad flap action
[a:] are car far bar grass
[ʌ] cut nut but mother color
[כ] pot got dog robber spot
[כ:] call tall or oriental more
[ə:]curtain further fur sir
[ə] theatre century paradise observatory circus
[i] ink big pig stupid floating technology
[i:] jeep tea eat see beef
[u] good book look good look
[u:] cool zoo tool cooler food
[ei] age eight make railway paint
[ai] ice bike nice sign line
[ɔi]toy oil boy royalty
[əu] old joke gold sold told
[au] cloud mouth cow clown round
[eə] air fair chair fear bear
[iə] ear near year tear here
[uə] cure dure pure sure dure
[p] pot pig put people piano
[b] book bag big job bear
[t] tooth teacher tea table task
[d] dog dig duck dad double
[k] cake keep cat cup cap
[g] grandpa girl green good god
[f] father fat foot full fit
[v] five very vent drive vary
[s] small study bus yes must
[z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig
[θ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth
[δ] those these that this there
[ ʃ ] cash bush shake shoe ship
[ʒ] measure pleasure leisure usually vision
[tʃ ] chair chicken lunch change bench
[dʒ] jack job jump jam jiggle
[tr] tree truck train track tripping
[dr] dress drink drain drive draw
[ts] students coats cats secrets planets
[dz] beds odds codes blackboards golds
[m] mum moon morning mother make
[n] noon nut needle neck nothing
[ŋ] ink link ring among sank
[h] hello hurry hey happiness hate
[l] look leg lake lab lane
[r] rain radio room reason reel
[w] window wake week wife wish
[ j] yellow yes you your yummy
[e] yes yellow bed dead feather
[æ] cat bad dad flap action
[a:] are car far bar grass
[ʌ] cut nut but mother color
[כ] pot got dog robber spot
[כ:] call tall or oriental more
[ə:]curtain further fur sir
[ə] theatre century paradise observatory circus
[i] ink big pig stupid floating technology
[i:] jeep tea eat see beef
[u] good book look good look
[u:] cool zoo tool cooler food
[ei] age eight make railway paint
[ai] ice bike nice sign line
[ɔi]toy oil boy royalty
[əu] old joke gold sold told
[au] cloud mouth cow clown round
[eə] air fair chair fear bear
[iə] ear near year tear here
[uə] cure dure pure sure dure
相关标签: 音标 后面 单词