英语作文不少80词提示你的朋友Dennis昨天得了重感冒头痛发烧医院介意他在家休息俩天多喝水每天三次药你准备放学去看他帮他补课 用简单单词来写


英语作文不少80词提示你的朋友Dennis昨天得了重感冒头痛发烧医院介意他在家休息俩天多喝水每天三次药你准备放学去看他帮他补课 用简单单词来写
i'm so sorry to hear that my dear friend dennis had a bad cold yesterday. it is so terrible that he not only has a headache but also has a fever.however ,dennis has to take the docter of the hospital's advice that has a good rest for two days and drinks more water,what'more ,takes the medicine three times per day. therefore,as a good friend of dennis,i prepare to help him to make up missed lessons after class.
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i'm so sorry to hear that my dear friend dennis had a bad cold yesterday. it is so terrible that he not only has a headache but also has a fever.however ,dennis has to take the docter of the hospital's advice that has a good rest for two days and drinks more water,what'more ,takes the medicine three times per day. therefore,as a good friend of dennis,i prepare to help him to make up missed lessons after class.
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