练习英语口语When I was swimming in the poor yesterday,I met you foreigner with her girlfriend yesterday night.I was very excited!how much I wanted to talk with him.But I was shy and nervous.Finally,I didnt talk with him.In fact,I like English very much.Usually,


When I was swimming in the poor yesterday,I met you foreigner with her girlfriend yesterday night.I was very excited!how much I wanted to talk with him.But I was shy and nervous.Finally,I didnt talk with him.
In fact,I like English very much.Usually,I meet some foreigner in the street,when that happens,I am very happy.Because that means I can improve my English spoke!As a results,I often dont do that.It because I am always shy!
What should I do?Are there any good ways to get over being shy?
Or any good ways to English spoke?I know the best to do that is trying to speak English as much as I could.
Could you tell me how you improve your English spoke?
And If I want to talke with a strange foreigner ,How to begin a coversation.what is the beginning sentence and or very polite?
Thank you everybody!
please give me some ways!
If the ways you give me I think very useful,in order to thank,I will add more marks!
The most important thing you need is courage.When you can talk with others the first time,everything will be successful.I notice that there sre many grammar mistakes in your article.You should grasp the opportunnity to improve your spoken-English,which will be helpful to your written-English.Of course,don't be afraid of making mistakes,it's thenecessity in the process of studying a foreign language.I'm an English major,if you have any question,I'll try my best to help you. The most important thing you need is courage.When you can talk with others the first time,everything will be successful.I notice that there sre many grammar mistakes in your article.You should grasp the opportunnity to improve your spoken-English,which will be helpful to your written-English.Of course,don't be afraid of making mistakes,it's thenecessity in the process of studying a foreign language.I'm an English major,if you have any question,I'll try my best to help you.