写出英文翻译,快答中译英:1 1661年,牛顿遇上了教授伊萨克·巴罗。这个博学多才的学者独具慧眼,看出了牛顿具有极强的观察力、很高的理解力,将自己的数学知识全部传授给牛顿。2 1966年,一个苹果的偶然落地引起牛顿的沉思,开始了人类思想史的一个转折点。3 两年后,牛顿逐渐开始疏远给他带来巨大成就的科学,潜心于自然哲学与神学。4 牛顿是英国伟大的数学家、物理学家、天文学家和自然哲学家,同其他很多杰出的历史人物一样,他被埋葬在了伦敦的教堂。5 我的家人和好友很多,他们时常在我的家里聚会。我们家的人经常一


1 1661年,牛顿遇上了教授伊萨克·巴罗。这个博学多才的学者独具慧眼,看出了牛顿具有极强的观察力、很高的理解力,将自己的数学知识全部传授给牛顿。
2 1966年,一个苹果的偶然落地引起牛顿的沉思,开始了人类思想史的一个转折点。
3 两年后,牛顿逐渐开始疏远给他带来巨大成就的科学,潜心于自然哲学与神学。
4 牛顿是英国伟大的数学家、物理学家、天文学家和自然哲学家,同其他很多杰出的历史人物一样,他被埋葬在了伦敦的教堂。
5 我的家人和好友很多,他们时常在我的家里聚会。我们家的人经常一起外出锻炼和看电影。
1in 1661, Newton met Professor Isaac Barrow,who was an erudite scholar .he was able to discern that Newton was an extremely observant and very understanding man, so that he taught Newton all his mathematical knowledge.
2 in1666 , an apple's falling to the ground accidentally made Newton lost in thought , which began a turning point in the history of human thought.
3 two years later, Newton was concentrated on natural philosophy and theology,which gradually made him begin to alienate him from science which brought him great achievements
4 Newton was a great British mathematician, physicist, astronomer and natural philosopher.he was buried in a church in London with many other outstanding historical figures,
5 I have many family members and friends, and we often get together at my home. my family often go out together to exercise and watch movies.
1in 1661, Newton met Professor Isaac Barrow,who was an erudite scholar .he was able to discern that Newton was an extremely observant and very understanding man, so that he taught Newton all his mathematical knowledge.
2 in1666 , an apple's falling to the ground accidentally made Newton lost in thought , which began a turning point in the history of human thought.
3 two years later, Newton was concentrated on natural philosophy and theology,which gradually made him begin to alienate him from science which brought him great achievements
4 Newton was a great British mathematician, physicist, astronomer and natural philosopher.he was buried in a church in London with many other outstanding historical figures,
5 I have many family members and friends, and we often get together at my home. my family often go out together to exercise and watch movies.