英语翻译 紧急 帮帮忙~1 在许多小公司,老板外出的事宜由他的秘书负责安排2 如果老板要出国旅行,秘书还应向旅行社了解出国旅行社许携带的有关证件.3 一般来说,西方人是以一种相当轻松满意的态度待客的4 电话中吐词清晰的谈话有助于有效的交流5 会议在商务活动中起着重要的做用~~


英语翻译 紧急 帮帮忙~
1 在许多小公司,老板外出的事宜由他的秘书负责安排
2 如果老板要出国旅行,秘书还应向旅行社了解出国旅行社许携带的有关证件.
3 一般来说,西方人是以一种相当轻松满意的态度待客的
4 电话中吐词清晰的谈话有助于有效的交流
5 会议在商务活动中起着重要的做用~~
1.In many small companies,the boss on the matter by his secretary in charge of arrangements
2.If the boss to travel abroad,the Secretary should go abroad to travel agents to understand the travel agencies allowed to take with the documents.
3.In general,Westerners is a very relaxed satisfied with the attitude of hospitality
4.Phone vomit words clear statement to effective communication
5.In business activities do play an important use
1.In many small companies,the boss on the matter by his secretary in charge of arrangements
2.If the boss to travel abroad,the Secretary should go abroad to travel agents to understand the travel agencies allowed to take with the documents.
3.In general,Westerners is a very relaxed satisfied with the attitude of hospitality
4.Phone vomit words clear statement to effective communication
5.In business activities do play an important use