寻求一篇英语作文(关于工作的)作文要求写出,我的工作感受和我现在要怎么要求自己(我还是一个大学生) 还有我工作以后应该怎么做, 小弟英语水平和差,希望学哥学姐,帮个忙 !!!!!!!!!!!!


寻求一篇英语作文(关于工作的)作文要求写出,我的工作感受和我现在要怎么要求自己(我还是一个大学生) 还有我工作以后应该怎么做, 小弟英语水平和差,希望学哥学姐,帮个忙 !!!!!!!!!!!!
我一定会尽心尽力地去工作,把工作当成生命和生活中的一部分,而且享受工作的乐趣,我会尽最大努力将工作做好,从现在开始,我会努力学习工作中必须掌握的各项技能,严格要求自己,和同学互相帮助,互相学习,学习上不懂得地方我会问老师和同学,在学习之余我也会不断地参加社会活动,增加自己的社会阅历,将来工作之后我会虚心地向前辈指教,听取他们的意见,并且我会做到不迟到不早退,我会积极向上地工作,严格要求自己。 I will whole-heartedly to work, and work life and life as part of the fun and enjoyment of work, I will make every effort to do a good job, from now on, I will study hard to grasp the work of the skills, and strict demands on themselves, and students help each other, learn from each other, learning where I do not know how to ask teachers and students in learning while I will continue to participate in social activities to increase their own social experience, I will work in future advice to the senior with an open mind to listen to their views, and do not be late I will not leave early, I will work positive, strict demands on themselves. 我一定会尽心尽力地去工作,把工作当成生命和生活中的一部分,而且享受工作的乐趣,我会尽最大努力将工作做好,从现在开始,我会努力学习工作中必须掌握的各项技能,严格要求自己,和同学互相帮助,互相学习,学习上不懂得地方我会问老师和同学,在学习之余我也会不断地参加社会活动,增加自己的社会阅历,将来工作之后我会虚心地向前辈指教,听取他们的意见,并且我会做到不迟到不早退,我会积极向上地工作,严格要求自己。 I will whole-heartedly to work, and work life and life as part of the fun and enjoyment of work, I will make every effort to do a good job, from now on, I will study hard to grasp the work of the skills, and strict demands on themselves, and students help each other, learn from each other, learning where I do not know how to ask teachers and students in learning while I will continue to participate in social activities to increase their own social experience, I will work in future advice to the senior with an open mind to listen to their views, and do not be late I will not leave early, I will work positive, strict demands on themselves.