求高手帮忙把一篇实践报告翻译成英语。网络口语课程时间这门课程结束后,我在脑海中对这门课程的学习作了一个回顾,并且对学到的东西也作了一个简单的归纳: 首先,是课本外知识的获得。想要学好语言这类专业,仅仅从书本上获得知识是远远不够的,如同我们小时候学会说话写字一样,不可能只从课本上学习到,而是通过与外界的交流,在特定环境中实践才能够慢慢学会。学好英语也需要大量的实践与交流。网络口语实践这门课程让我们在美剧《六人行》的欢笑中学到了很多美国文化知识、地道的表达方式和俚语,受益匪浅。这也不失为课本外另一种好的学


不知道翻得怎么样。凑合着用吧。我是自己一句一句翻得哦。ps 我拼写不好。要检查下再交哦。
After finishing the practice of network oral course, i reviewed the study in my head and made a brief summary of what i had learned as follows,
Firstly, the acquaintance of knowledge beyond the text books. It is far less enough to learn only from the text books just like how we learned to speak and write when we were kids. Not only from books but also through the practice of intercommunication with outside at a certain invironment, we picked up speak and write skills gradually. The good command of english requires a lot of practice and communication too. during the course of network oral practice, we learned many knowledges about american culture, native expression style and slangs in the TV series named friends, I benefited a lot from it, which is truely a great learning method beside the books.
Secondly, the practice of oral english. Friends is commonly recommended as one of the most popular and the english-majors-can't-miss situation comedies. Usually we would watch a clip of it at class and then choose and imitate the conversation at the teaching platform by groups. Sometimes the american style of humor and attracting plots made us laugh during the imitation. with its help. we could easily throw ourselves into the acting, increase the learning interests and improve our acting abilities. our english pronounciation and tone are even more standard, and our oral english is more fluent through the imiation of the conversation.
Thirdly, learning team work spirit. Everytime when we were preparing the performance, some little troubles was always there. Because most of us are girls, some of the girls had to play the boy's roles during the role assignment. And sometimes when a member was absent, one person hadto play several roles. In the end, all of us had a fulling understanding about the meaning of the well known phrase that unitiy is power at the final performance test .
Lastly, enlargeing the vacabulary. we learned many funny vacabulary which does not appear in text books by watching friends. we could put the new words into practise during the conversation performace to consolidate the memory and expression on the new words.
The course of newwork oral practice is a combination of hearing, speaking, and reading. it provides us a more delightful and easier method of learning. through which we expericed both happiness and improvement. I really enjoyed this course.
不知道翻得怎么样。凑合着用吧。我是自己一句一句翻得哦。ps 我拼写不好。要检查下再交哦。
After finishing the practice of network oral course, i reviewed the study in my head and made a brief summary of what i had learned as follows,
Firstly, the acquaintance of knowledge beyond the text books. It is far less enough to learn only from the text books just like how we learned to speak and write when we were kids. Not only from books but also through the practice of intercommunication with outside at a certain invironment, we picked up speak and write skills gradually. The good command of english requires a lot of practice and communication too. during the course of network oral practice, we learned many knowledges about american culture, native expression style and slangs in the TV series named friends, I benefited a lot from it, which is truely a great learning method beside the books.
Secondly, the practice of oral english. Friends is commonly recommended as one of the most popular and the english-majors-can't-miss situation comedies. Usually we would watch a clip of it at class and then choose and imitate the conversation at the teaching platform by groups. Sometimes the american style of humor and attracting plots made us laugh during the imitation. with its help. we could easily throw ourselves into the acting, increase the learning interests and improve our acting abilities. our english pronounciation and tone are even more standard, and our oral english is more fluent through the imiation of the conversation.
Thirdly, learning team work spirit. Everytime when we were preparing the performance, some little troubles was always there. Because most of us are girls, some of the girls had to play the boy's roles during the role assignment. And sometimes when a member was absent, one person hadto play several roles. In the end, all of us had a fulling understanding about the meaning of the well known phrase that unitiy is power at the final performance test .
Lastly, enlargeing the vacabulary. we learned many funny vacabulary which does not appear in text books by watching friends. we could put the new words into practise during the conversation performace to consolidate the memory and expression on the new words.
The course of newwork oral practice is a combination of hearing, speaking, and reading. it provides us a more delightful and easier method of learning. through which we expericed both happiness and improvement. I really enjoyed this course.