英语翻译过去的家庭富裕的不多,一个家庭会有好几个孩子,所以孩子打小就被父母分配任务,减轻家庭负担,帮助父母照看兄弟姐妹,照看铺子收钱找钱,送报纸牛奶,女孩子可能没有上学的机会,重视男孩子,现在的家庭大多是独生子女,one child policy政策,所以会被spoiled,孩子在对待问题的处理能力上差.就是主要的区别.(是比较混乱,但是不是逐字逐句翻译,大概意思相同就好)求翻译阿////!蟹蟹


过去的家庭富裕的不多,一个家庭会有好几个孩子,所以孩子打小就被父母分配任务,减轻家庭负担,帮助父母照看兄弟姐妹,照看铺子收钱找钱,送报纸牛奶,女孩子可能没有上学的机会,重视男孩子,现在的家庭大多是独生子女,one child policy政策,所以会被spoiled,孩子在对待问题的处理能力上差.就是主要的区别.
In the past few families were rich and there were always several children in a family .When children were very young they were made by their parents to do some work to support the family ,such as looking after younger brothers and sisters ,helping their parents to collect money in the business or delivering newspapers and milk .Girls often had little chance to go to school while boys often deserved much attention .Now there is the only child in most families because of one child policy,so many children are often spoiled .Children often have poor abilities to handle problems ,These are the major differences . In the past few families were rich and there were always several children in a family .When children were very young they were made by their parents to do some work to support the family ,such as looking after younger brothers and sisters ,helping their parents to collect money in the business or delivering newspapers and milk .Girls often had little chance to go to school while boys often deserved much attention .Now there is the only child in most families because of one child policy,so many children are often spoiled .Children often have poor abilities to handle problems ,These are the major differences .