英语翻译欢迎收看今天的天气预报,我是主持人Millle.今天铜陵地区为晴天.最低温度是15摄氏度,最高温度是30摄氏度.明天温度将升高到32.建议您最好带上雨伞或戴上帽子来遮挡阳光.后天温度将下降到28摄氏度. 今天的播报到此结束,明天同一时间再见!


Hello!!Welcome to watch today the weather forecast,I am directorMillle.Today the Tongling area will be the cloudless day.most lowtemperature will be 15 degree Celsius,the maximum temperature is 30degree Celsius.tomorrow temperatures elevates to 32.suggested onyour best belt the umbrella or will put on a hat covers the sunlight.day after tomorrow temperature to drop to 28 degree Celsius.Today broadcasts the newspaper to reach this point theconclusion,tomorrow identical time goodbye!!! Hello!!Welcome to watch today the weather forecast,I am directorMillle.Today the Tongling area will be the cloudless day.most lowtemperature will be 15 degree Celsius,the maximum temperature is 30degree Celsius.tomorrow temperatures elevates to 32.suggested onyour best belt the umbrella or will put on a hat covers the sunlight.day after tomorrow temperature to drop to 28 degree Celsius.Today broadcasts the newspaper to reach this point theconclusion,tomorrow identical time goodbye!!!