英语翻译抱歉,因为一些事情耽搁了写信的时间,不过现在也不是很迟.我很想要Mr Jackson 因为我非常需要这样的一部电脑辅助我的学习.电脑能让我背单词,看学习资料、查字典、做练习、开阔我的眼界.当然,还能玩玩小游戏.而我此时缺的就是这么一个伙伴!我将非常期待获奖的同学!祝你们暑假玩的开心!


抱歉,因为一些事情耽搁了写信的时间,不过现在也不是很迟.我很想要Mr Jackson 因为我非常需要这样的一部电脑辅助我的学习.电脑能让我背单词,看学习资料、查字典、做练习、开阔我的眼界.当然,还能玩玩小游戏.而我此时缺的就是这么一个伙伴!我将非常期待获奖的同学!祝你们暑假玩的开心!
I sincerely apologise for the delay in respond because of some matters that have came up. However, it is not too late to write to you right now . I really want to have Mr Jackson as I am in deep need for such a computer to assist me in my studies. The computer can help me remember words, look through study resources, kook up dictionary, do exercises and broaden my horizons. For some reasons, I can play some games. I need such a partner now. I am eagerly looking for the prize winner! Have a fun and enjoyable summer holiday! I sincerely apologise for the delay in respond because of some matters that have came up. However, it is not too late to write to you right now . I really want to have Mr Jackson as I am in deep need for such a computer to assist me in my studies. The computer can help me remember words, look through study resources, kook up dictionary, do exercises and broaden my horizons. For some reasons, I can play some games. I need such a partner now. I am eagerly looking for the prize winner! Have a fun and enjoyable summer holiday!