英语翻译亲爱的老师:在这1年里面是您教会我怎么学好英语,是您怎么教会我怎么自律,是您教会我许多做人的道理.您是园丁,而我们就是小花,每天为我们灌输知识.你是一把钥匙,而我们就需要你为我们打开知识的大门.你是我们的导航,每天带领我们在知识的王国遨游.你是……在这一天,我想多你说一句:Thank you!Happy Teachers' Day!翻译器不算.一定要正确!要在今天晚上9点之前.好的重赏100分!我的老师是英语老师,所以一定要标准!看不懂- - 谁可以帮我说那个是最正确的


在这一天,我想多你说一句:Thank you!Happy Teachers' Day!
我的老师是英语老师,所以一定要标准!看不懂- - 谁可以帮我说那个是最正确的
Dear teacher:
It's you who taught me how to learn English well in the past year, It's you who taught me to be self-discipline , similarly , It's you who taught me the inperceptibly virtuous qualities of human behaviours. You are the gardener, while we are the flowers. You infused the knowledge into the hearts of us every day . You are a key, while we need you help us open the gates of knowledge. You are our navigator, leading us travel in the realm of knowledge on a daily basis . You are ... ...
On this very day, I would like to say you : Thank you! Happy Teachers' Day!
Dear teacher:
It's you who taught me how to learn English well in the past year, It's you who taught me to be self-discipline , similarly , It's you who taught me the inperceptibly virtuous qualities of human behaviours. You are the gardener, while we are the flowers. You infused the knowledge into the hearts of us every day . You are a key, while we need you help us open the gates of knowledge. You are our navigator, leading us travel in the realm of knowledge on a daily basis . You are ... ...
On this very day, I would like to say you : Thank you! Happy Teachers' Day!