On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?这个问题在雅思口语考试中应该怎样回答?这个是口语考试预测的话题``前面的问题是Party Do you like parties?Whose party do you like,friends’or parents’?What is the difference between formal and informal party?What do you wear to a party?Do Chinese p


On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?这个问题在雅思口语考试中应该怎样回答?
这个是口语考试预测的话题``前面的问题是Party Do you like parties?Whose party do you like,friends’or parents’?What is the difference between formal and informal party?What do you wear to a party?Do Chinese people often hold parties?这个是最后一个问题.应该怎样回答``
I like some parties though not all. I like parties in which most participants should be familiar to me. I would be delighted to go to any party which is held by my friends or my relatives. I think the most difference between a formal party and an informal one is the atmosphere-participants in a formal party are supposed to be more serious and more careful about what and how they talk and behave whereas in an informal party, people would be more relaxed and it's OK to talk or behave in casual way. In addition, some formal paries require participants to dress formally while informal parties have no such a quirement. So in an occasion of fromal parties I would like to dress myself in western-style suits, nowadays which is normally seen as formal dress in som formal occasion yet in an informal party I would wear casual dress instead. In our country, nowaday people tend to hold more parties than ever before, but most parties in China is dinner party, eating and drinking are the major part of Chinese party.(www.jnkw163.com) I like some parties though not all. I like parties in which most participants should be familiar to me. I would be delighted to go to any party which is held by my friends or my relatives. I think the most difference between a formal party and an informal one is the atmosphere-participants in a formal party are supposed to be more serious and more careful about what and how they talk and behave whereas in an informal party, people would be more relaxed and it's OK to talk or behave in casual way. In addition, some formal paries require participants to dress formally while informal parties have no such a quirement. So in an occasion of fromal parties I would like to dress myself in western-style suits, nowadays which is normally seen as formal dress in som formal occasion yet in an informal party I would wear casual dress instead. In our country, nowaday people tend to hold more parties than ever before, but most parties in China is dinner party, eating and drinking are the major part of Chinese party.(www.jnkw163.com)