求高人帮忙翻译(英文),不要在线翻译出来的!In 1959 the twenty-year-old Constellation was quickly made obsolete by the introduction of the Boeing 707 jet airliner, an event that marked the start of a new era of air travel. Flying typically above 30,000 feet at speeds of around


In 1959 the twenty-year-old Constellation was quickly made obsolete by the introduction of the Boeing 707 jet airliner, an event that marked the start of a new era of air travel. Flying typically above 30,000 feet at speeds of around 550 mph, and with a range of 7,500 miles, the 707 cut travel times for long-distance flights by several hours over its piston-engine predecessors. Because of the shorter duration of many flights, the need for full sleeping accommodations diminished, except as a luxury reserved for a shrinking number of first-class passengers, as pressure increased to pack many more economy passengers onto each flight in order to reduce their fares. The era of mass air travel had finally arrived.
在1959年,随着波音707喷气式客机的应用,使用长达20年的星座(马丁公司的一种飞机)被快速淘汰,这一事件标志着航空运输业新时代的开始.能以近550英里每小时的速度飞行在大约30,000英尺高的天空上,以及有7,500英里航程极限的波音707飞机比那些依靠活塞发动机推动的前辈们,在远程飞行时可以缩减数小时.由于需要搭运更多的经济舱乘客以减少他们的飞行费用的巨大压力,且大量航班缩短了飞行时间,以前飞机上配备的全食宿没有了,当然除了为少部分头等舱乘客保留为奢侈品之外.大规模空运时代最终到来了. 在1959年,随着波音707喷气式客机的应用,使用长达20年的星座(马丁公司的一种飞机)被快速淘汰,这一事件标志着航空运输业新时代的开始.能以近550英里每小时的速度飞行在大约30,000英尺高的天空上,以及有7,500英里航程极限的波音707飞机比那些依靠活塞发动机推动的前辈们,在远程飞行时可以缩减数小时.由于需要搭运更多的经济舱乘客以减少他们的飞行费用的巨大压力,且大量航班缩短了飞行时间,以前飞机上配备的全食宿没有了,当然除了为少部分头等舱乘客保留为奢侈品之外.大规模空运时代最终到来了.