英语翻译把句子翻译成英文:1 十七世纪末,他在辍学后又重新回到了学校读书.2 停学在家务农的期间,他经常躲起来钻研数学问题的好学精神感动了舅父,舅父劝服了母亲,于是他复学了.3 七年后,他一直致力于自然科学的研究领域,终于,他发现了对人类具有划时代意义的万有引力.4 在二十七岁时,他晋升为数学教授,是他的恩师罗伯特主动辞去教授之职,为他让出教授职位的.5 他最卓越的成就是经典力学的创建,为人类近代科学进步做出了卓越贡献.请英语高手快来完成,最好把句子的结构写得完整全面些,请勿复制其他机器的答案!


1 十七世纪末,他在辍学后又重新回到了学校读书.
2 停学在家务农的期间,他经常躲起来钻研数学问题的好学精神感动了舅父,舅父劝服了母亲,于是他复学了.
3 七年后,他一直致力于自然科学的研究领域,终于,他发现了对人类具有划时代意义的万有引力.
4 在二十七岁时,他晋升为数学教授,是他的恩师罗伯特主动辞去教授之职,为他让出教授职位的.
5 他最卓越的成就是经典力学的创建,为人类近代科学进步做出了卓越贡献.
1、17 century, returned after he dropped out of school.
2 、During the suspension at home farm, and studious he often HID to Excel in math problems inspired by Uncle, uncle convinced her mother, and so he is returning to the.
3、 After seven years, he has been committed to research in the natural sciences, and finally, he discovered gravity on human landmark.
4 、At the age of 27, he was promoted to Professor of mathematics, was his mentor Robert resigned her professorship, make for him a professorship.
5、 His most remarkable achievement was creation of classical mechanics for humanity have made an outstanding contribution to the progress of modern science.
1、17 century, returned after he dropped out of school.
2 、During the suspension at home farm, and studious he often HID to Excel in math problems inspired by Uncle, uncle convinced her mother, and so he is returning to the.
3、 After seven years, he has been committed to research in the natural sciences, and finally, he discovered gravity on human landmark.
4 、At the age of 27, he was promoted to Professor of mathematics, was his mentor Robert resigned her professorship, make for him a professorship.
5、 His most remarkable achievement was creation of classical mechanics for humanity have made an outstanding contribution to the progress of modern science.