

Montesquieu was the 18th century French Enlightenment era of well-known thinkers,but also modern European countries as early as the systematic study of ancient Western political and legal scholars of the culture.Although few of his writings,but their impact is quite extensive,particularly the "law of the spirit of" the master of the book,laid a modern Western political and legal theory development.The most important is the system of government thinking.
Montesquieu into the republican form of government,the monarchy and Zhuanzhizhengti,this system of government in accordance with the nature and principles of the political system are classified.The merits of various types of regime there,and this merits of the existence of a system of government will lead to the corruption.To further ensure the people's freedom from the constraints of power,in order to better achieve the freedom of its people,it is necessary to corrupt the political system to make adjustments,in which case the legislative,judicial,administrative need for mutual separation of powers and checks and balances.
And Montesquieu's system of government is thinking of practical significance.No Montesquieu's system of government thinking on the Constitution of the United States does not exist.In the form of government on the merits of species-level,in order to understand the reasons for the rise and fall of political system,found on the system of government for overcoming the adverse factors,making system of government in a favorable direction.
This paper is divided into five parts.The first part of the Introduction to the article,briefed Montesquieu and Montesquieu's system of government thinking on the second part of Montesquieu in accordance with the nature of the regime to make the classification system of government; wrote the third part of the political system Corruption; fourth part is the adjustment for corruption,that is,the separation of powers thinking of the fifth part is concluding remarks to clarify the thinking of the political system Montesquieu practical significance.
Montesquieu was the 18th century French Enlightenment era of well-known thinkers,but also modern European countries as early as the systematic study of ancient Western political and legal scholars of the culture.Although few of his writings,but their impact is quite extensive,particularly the "law of the spirit of" the master of the book,laid a modern Western political and legal theory development.The most important is the system of government thinking.
Montesquieu into the republican form of government,the monarchy and Zhuanzhizhengti,this system of government in accordance with the nature and principles of the political system are classified.The merits of various types of regime there,and this merits of the existence of a system of government will lead to the corruption.To further ensure the people's freedom from the constraints of power,in order to better achieve the freedom of its people,it is necessary to corrupt the political system to make adjustments,in which case the legislative,judicial,administrative need for mutual separation of powers and checks and balances.
And Montesquieu's system of government is thinking of practical significance.No Montesquieu's system of government thinking on the Constitution of the United States does not exist.In the form of government on the merits of species-level,in order to understand the reasons for the rise and fall of political system,found on the system of government for overcoming the adverse factors,making system of government in a favorable direction.
This paper is divided into five parts.The first part of the Introduction to the article,briefed Montesquieu and Montesquieu's system of government thinking on the second part of Montesquieu in accordance with the nature of the regime to make the classification system of government; wrote the third part of the political system Corruption; fourth part is the adjustment for corruption,that is,the separation of powers thinking of the fifth part is concluding remarks to clarify the thinking of the political system Montesquieu practical significance.