我喜欢收集邮票 英语作文我是张烈,是一个14岁的集邮爱好者.8年来收集啦200多张邮票,并把它们保存在一本旧书里.我的第一套邮票是爸爸送的,有关于动物,植物,人物等,还有一些是朋友是送的. 我是初二的学生,请不要用太多生词,200个词左右,请大家再加一些.


我喜欢收集邮票 英语作文
我是张烈,是一个14岁的集邮爱好者.8年来收集啦200多张邮票,并把它们保存在一本旧书里.我的第一套邮票是爸爸送的,有关于动物,植物,人物等,还有一些是朋友是送的. 我是初二的学生,请不要用太多生词,200个词左右,请大家再加一些.
My name is ZhangLie and I'm 14 years old now. When I was a kid, I just needed to know eating myself and keep healthy. There is no doubt that I didn't have much hobby except play with my friends. But, since I went to primary school, my father gave me a present which was my first a series of stamps. I felt that it were beautiful and precious. So, I started to collect stamp, and it was one of my hobbies.
Collecting stamp has a lot of benefit. It helps me expend an amount of knowledge, especially, geography, biology and history. When you get a new stamp, I always want to realize what it background. Furthermore, I knew the stamp came from where and why we use it.
There is a funny story said that a young girl cause of lack of money. And she often refused the letter from her boy friend and argued with the postman. At one time, when the girl argues with Postman, a lady walk here and realize what happened. The lady paid money instead of the young girl. Finally, the girl told a secret to the lady that she had promised to her boy friend that if her boy friend everything is perfect, he would draw a sign on the letter. Then, if young girl watched the sign and knew his situation, she won't to accept the stamp. As well, she needn't cost too much money on the letter. Afterward, the lady knew that the disadvantage of none uses stamp. Finally, the lady suggests reforming the post way and our stamp was appeared.
Even though collect stamp meant money, I still assist look for stamps every now and then. After about 8 years hard search, I have Thcollect nearly two hundred stamps which include animal that some of them were my friends, celebrity and I keep them in a book that has used for a long time.
My name is ZhangLie and I'm 14 years old now. When I was a kid, I just needed to know eating myself and keep healthy. There is no doubt that I didn't have much hobby except play with my friends. But, since I went to primary school, my father gave me a present which was my first a series of stamps. I felt that it were beautiful and precious. So, I started to collect stamp, and it was one of my hobbies.
Collecting stamp has a lot of benefit. It helps me expend an amount of knowledge, especially, geography, biology and history. When you get a new stamp, I always want to realize what it background. Furthermore, I knew the stamp came from where and why we use it.
There is a funny story said that a young girl cause of lack of money. And she often refused the letter from her boy friend and argued with the postman. At one time, when the girl argues with Postman, a lady walk here and realize what happened. The lady paid money instead of the young girl. Finally, the girl told a secret to the lady that she had promised to her boy friend that if her boy friend everything is perfect, he would draw a sign on the letter. Then, if young girl watched the sign and knew his situation, she won't to accept the stamp. As well, she needn't cost too much money on the letter. Afterward, the lady knew that the disadvantage of none uses stamp. Finally, the lady suggests reforming the post way and our stamp was appeared.
Even though collect stamp meant money, I still assist look for stamps every now and then. After about 8 years hard search, I have Thcollect nearly two hundred stamps which include animal that some of them were my friends, celebrity and I keep them in a book that has used for a long time.