(请好好看说明!)帮忙翻译课文请求各位千万别用在线翻译(百度、有道.求自己翻译的!要不然最好别乱发哦~最好像这样吧翻译一句句差进去,如同这样:【I like engilsh.我喜欢英语.And my friend Alan likes English,too.我的朋友艾伦也喜欢英语.(只是一个例子)】要求翻译的文章如下:The universe is huge.It seems to have no end.People who study the universe find out more about


最好像这样吧翻译一句句差进去,如同这样:【I like engilsh.我喜欢英语.And my friend Alan likes English,too.我的朋友艾伦也喜欢英语.(只是一个例子)】
The universe is huge.It seems to have no end.People who study the universe find out more about it all the time.Until 2006,students were taught that our solar system had nine planets that moved around our Sun.Among them,Mercury come:Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune and Pluto.
In August 2006,scientists declared that Pluto is a dwarf planet,which means it is not an ordinary planet.So in fact there are only eight planets in the solar system!Pluto is not the only dwarf planet in the solar system.Earlier in 2005,American scientists discovered a dwarf planet.This dwarf planet is further from the Sun than Pluto.It was given a new name ‗Eris‘ in September 2006.We know that Pluto is very cold and consists mostly of ice and rock.Think how cold Eris must be!Can anything live on dwarf planets?Is there life on any of the planets?
Let‘s look at the two planets closest to Earth – Mars and Venus.Because they are the closest,we have studied them more,so we have more evidence about them,Satellites have photographed Mars and Venus from space.Some satellites have landed on Mars and Venus,and collected evidence of what they are like.
我们来看看这两个最接近地球的行星——火星和金星.因为它们接近我们,所以我们对它们了解要多于其它行星,而且我们还有很多关于它们的证据.人造卫星已经在宇宙中 拍摄下火星和金星.一些人造卫星已经登录火星和金星,并且收集了很多关于他们是什么样子的证据~
我们来看看这两个最接近地球的行星——火星和金星.因为它们接近我们,所以我们对它们了解要多于其它行星,而且我们还有很多关于它们的证据.人造卫星已经在宇宙中 拍摄下火星和金星.一些人造卫星已经登录火星和金星,并且收集了很多关于他们是什么样子的证据~