汉译英 不要翻译器翻得过去大家都以存款、储蓄为主要的个人金融方式,而今天绝大多数人希望买理财产品,再有钱的人希望私人银行的服务,所以你会不会给你的客户做出一个理财的方案.这对中国年轻的银行业来讲是一个很大的考验.过去5年前我们曾经把私人银行当做一个梦想,但是我们也可以做到了,还有移动支付,就是科学技术的发展,这给我们带来非常大的空间,我们的计算机从大的主机到小的PC,又经过互联网的联网,到今天已经进入了一个云计算了


汉译英 不要翻译器翻得
In the past,personal financial management mainly conains deposit and savings.Howwver,today most peole want to buy financial products,and wealthier people prefer the service of private banks.Therefore,whether or not you can make a proper financial management plan for your clients has become a challenge for the young Chinese banking.In the past five years,we have witnessed the development of the private bank and mobile payment.The rapid growth of technology promotes the computer's renovation,from the giant first computer frame to PC.And thanks to the Internet,today's world has stepped into the cloud computing. In the past,personal financial management mainly conains deposit and savings.Howwver,today most peole want to buy financial products,and wealthier people prefer the service of private banks.Therefore,whether or not you can make a proper financial management plan for your clients has become a challenge for the young Chinese banking.In the past five years,we have witnessed the development of the private bank and mobile payment.The rapid growth of technology promotes the computer's renovation,from the giant first computer frame to PC.And thanks to the Internet,today's world has stepped into the cloud computing.