英语翻译请将以下的中文句子按括号中提供的英文短语或单词翻译成英文:1、 明天就到截止日期了,我们要抓紧时间啊!(race the clock)2、 网上购物对这个五岁的小孩来说不费吹灰之力.(a piece of cake)3、 我是打算换工作,但要等到有合适的时机.(bide one’s time)4、 他的品味与我相同.(harmony)5、 我们陶醉在美丽的风景之中.(charm)


1、 明天就到截止日期了,我们要抓紧时间啊!(race the clock)
2、 网上购物对这个五岁的小孩来说不费吹灰之力.(a piece of cake)
3、 我是打算换工作,但要等到有合适的时机.(bide one’s time)
4、 他的品味与我相同.(harmony)
5、 我们陶醉在美丽的风景之中.(charm)
1 Tomorrow is the deadline, let's race the clock.
2 It is a piece of cake for this 5-year-old child to shop online.
3 I am planning to change my job, but I have to bide my time.
4 His taste is in harmony with mine.
5 We are charmed by the beautiful scenery.
1 Tomorrow is the deadline, let's race the clock.
2 It is a piece of cake for this 5-year-old child to shop online.
3 I am planning to change my job, but I have to bide my time.
4 His taste is in harmony with mine.
5 We are charmed by the beautiful scenery.