阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项.   Once there were both father and son who were ill-tempered(坏脾气) and never gave way to others. One day the father decided to invite some guests to dinner in his house. He sent his son to buy some meat in town.  




  Once there were both father and son who were ill-tempered(坏脾气) and never gave way to others. One day the father decided to invite some guests to dinner in his house. He sent his son to buy some meat in town.

  After he got what he wanted the son turned back and walked towards the town gate. Just then a man was coming from the outside. Being narrow the gate couldn't let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of them would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate minute after minute. However it worried the father.

  “What shall I do?…He hasn't yet returned home. But I can't wait any more.”He was eager to know what on earth was the matter with his son. Leaving the guests at home he himself went to town to look for his son. When he caught sight of the array(架势) between his son and the other man he said to his son “You may first take the meat home to entertain(招待) the guests. Let me stand here against him instead of you.”

1.In the passage the writer ________.

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A.sang high praise for the father and his son

B.criticized(批评) both of them for their unusual act

C.enjoyed the father and the son's heroic act

D.was surprised at what they both did

2.What worried the father very much was that ________.

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A.he hadn't any meat for the guests

B.his son might fight others again outside

C.his son gave no way to others

D.his son had too much meat to carry home

3.The father left his guests at home and went out because ________.

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A.he would go to town for the meat instead of his son.

B.he knew his son was stopped and would go to help him

C.he was afraid that his son couldn't find the meat spot

D.he was eager to know what was happening to his son then

4.What did the father do when he saw the array between them?

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A.He did what his son was doing.

B.He taught his son a good lesson.

C.He persuaded them not to do so.

D.He gave the other man a good beating.

答案:B;A;D;A解析:   1.B   导从文章的第一句话可知.   2.A   3.D   导从第三段中的第二句话可知.   4.A   导从最后一句话可知.
答案:B;A;D;A解析:   1.B   导从文章的第一句话可知.   2.A   3.D   导从第三段中的第二句话可知.   4.A   导从最后一句话可知.