假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,下面四幅图描述了上学期高二年级开设选修课的过程.请根据图片的先后顺序,为校刊"英语园地"写一篇短文.词数不少于60.开头已给出,不计入总词数.Last term,our school offered optional courses  for the students in Senior 2..


Last term,our school offered optional courses  for the students in Senior 2.___.
Last term,our school offered optional courses for the students in Senior 2.At the beginning of the term,our teacher introduced several courses to us,including Music Appreciation,Advanced Math,Western Art,and etc.We selected the courses started.We went into different classrooms to begin our study.During the lessons,some of us enjoyed beautiful music,while others learned amazing knowledge in math.(介绍课堂)Everyone gained what they couldn't get in the regular lessons.(高分句型一)Thanks to the optional courses,we had the opportunities to learn what we were really interested in.(高分句型二)(课程作用) Last term,our school offered optional courses for the students in Senior 2.At the beginning of the term,our teacher introduced several courses to us,including Music Appreciation,Advanced Math,Western Art,and etc.We selected the courses started.We went into different classrooms to begin our study.During the lessons,some of us enjoyed beautiful music,while others learned amazing knowledge in math.(介绍课堂)Everyone gained what they couldn't get in the regular lessons.(高分句型一)Thanks to the optional courses,we had the opportunities to learn what we were really interested in.(高分句型二)(课程作用)