书面表达。      英语在我们日常生活和学习中都十分重要,很多人都在努力学习英语。下面是几个同学在学习英语过程中遇到的问题: 请针对他们各自的困难,给他们提一些建议。   



     I think Lin Hai should listen to the tapes to improve his listening. He can watch English programs
in his spare time. He can also ask his teacher to speak more slowly. Wang Bin should speak more English
and not be shy. He should be much braver in or after class. He should talk in English as much as possible.
Yang Fang should learn English grammar well and keep a diary every day in English.

     I think Lin Hai should listen to the tapes to improve his listening. He can watch English programs
in his spare time. He can also ask his teacher to speak more slowly. Wang Bin should speak more English
and not be shy. He should be much braver in or after class. He should talk in English as much as possible.
Yang Fang should learn English grammar well and keep a diary every day in English.
