A special bookstore chain (连锁书店),Popular Bookmall.opened in Shanghai in November This experimental store offers books at very low prices,and there is no staff  (工作人员 ) to require customers to pay before taking books away.Sounds li


A special bookstore chain (连锁书店),Popular Bookmall.opened in Shanghai in November This experimental store offers books at very low prices,and there is no staff  (工作人员 ) to require customers to pay before taking books away.Sounds like a book lover's paradise (乐园)!
Popular Bookmall had already set up such a shop in Nanjing.The organizers of the Nanjing store report that it was a great success; enough customers voluntarily paid for their hooks.But most older"honesty stores"in China did not receive enough honest customers.For example,a self-service restaurant opened in Fujian province years ago which allowed customers to pay whatever they chose,but about one-fifth of customers paid nothing.Therefore some people have decided that Chinese are becoming more honest.The organizers of the"honesty stores"say that their goal is to encourage people in China to remember how important honesty is.
Many Chinese are concerned about dishonesty in China.Even at Popular Bookmall,not everybody chose to pay for their books.How can we encourage ourselves to be honest?We should listen to our conscience (良知).This has deep roots in Chinese culture.Confucius taught Chinese to be conscientious and honest.
But there is also a great reason for"honesty stores":the more honest people there are in society.the more reasons we have to trust others.And if people trusted each other.they'd be more willing to share.We could contribute (贡献) to a"sharing economy (经济)"where you do not have to think about saving or spending money all the time.but helping other people.For all these reasons,society is built on trust,not only trade.
51.What is special about the Popular Bookmall in Shanghai___
A.The books there are very special.
B.Customers needn't pay for the books.
C.The books there are only for book lovers.
D.No staff requires customers to pay for the books.
52.What do we know about the Popular Bookmall in Nanjing?___
A.It didn't receive enough customers.
B.Only 20% of the customers paid for the books.
C.Enough people volunteered to pay for the books.
D.Customers were allowed to pay whatever they wanted.
53.Why did the organizers set up"honesty stores"?___
A.To remind people of the importance of honesty
B.To teach Chinese people to be conscious and honest.
C.To think about how to get away from dishonest people.
D.To encourage people to remember to share all the time.
54.What does the underlined word"concerned"mean in Chinese7___
55.What does the passage mainly talk about?___
A.The success of the Popular Bookmall in Nanjing.
B.The reasons for"honesty stores"in China.
C.The development of bookstore chains.
D.The change of Chinese culture.
51题,细节理解题,正确选项为D项,由文章第一段第二句and there is no staff to require customers to pay before taking books away可知,这里没有店员去要求,顾客们要在走之前把书钱支付了,故选D项.
52题,细节理解题,正确选项为C项,由文章第二段第二句enough customers voluntarily paid for their books可知,有足够多的用户自愿支付他们的书,故选C项.
53题,细节理解题,正确选项为A项,由文章第二段最后一句The organizers of the"honesty stores"say that their goal is to encourage people in China to remember how important honesty is可知,''诚实书店''的组织者说,他们的目的是鼓励在中国的人去记住诚实是很重要的,故选A项.
51题,细节理解题,正确选项为D项,由文章第一段第二句and there is no staff to require customers to pay before taking books away可知,这里没有店员去要求,顾客们要在走之前把书钱支付了,故选D项.
52题,细节理解题,正确选项为C项,由文章第二段第二句enough customers voluntarily paid for their books可知,有足够多的用户自愿支付他们的书,故选C项.
53题,细节理解题,正确选项为A项,由文章第二段最后一句The organizers of the"honesty stores"say that their goal is to encourage people in China to remember how important honesty is可知,''诚实书店''的组织者说,他们的目的是鼓励在中国的人去记住诚实是很重要的,故选A项.