英语翻译(第一段) 时间过得飞快,轮到我演讲时已是今学期的第十三周了,学期早已过去了一半.在这里,我想了好久,觉得自己好像依旧没有什么变化,数学与英语还是老样.(第二段)虽然有考上大学的目标,有当个老师或是警察的理想,但,我觉得这样的状态不行,这样下去不行.说到这里,我想,读了将近十二年的书,在这最紧要的关头上,千万,尽量不能使自己松懈.父母的用心与期望,我体验的到.(第三段)所以,努力点,尽量的,坚持下,相信你们自己.(第四段)所以,拿起你们的笔,打完这最后的一仗.


(第一段) 时间过得飞快,轮到我演讲时已是今学期的第十三周了,学期早已过去了一半.在这里,我想了好久,觉得自己好像依旧没有什么变化,数学与英语还是老样.
(the first paragraph) time went by, it's my turn to speech is today the semester has 13 weeks, semester already in the past half. In here, I thought for a long time, still feel as if nothing changes, math and English or old kind...
(the second paragraph) although have the goal of college entrance examination, when a teacher or the police ideal, but, I feel that the state can't, this ain't going to work. Here, I want to, read nearly 12 years of book, in this the most important moment, must, as far as possible can't make their lax. Your parents' expectation, I experience.
(the third paragraph) so the effort point, as far as possible, insistence, believe in your own.
(paragraph 4) so, picked up your pen, playing ?
(the first paragraph) time went by, it's my turn to speech is today the semester has 13 weeks, semester already in the past half. In here, I thought for a long time, still feel as if nothing changes, math and English or old kind...
(the second paragraph) although have the goal of college entrance examination, when a teacher or the police ideal, but, I feel that the state can't, this ain't going to work. Here, I want to, read nearly 12 years of book, in this the most important moment, must, as far as possible can't make their lax. Your parents' expectation, I experience.
(the third paragraph) so the effort point, as far as possible, insistence, believe in your own.
(paragraph 4) so, picked up your pen, playing ?