这段话翻译成英文,谢谢你好,我是从FIC转到Q大学的,fall 2014 semester是我在Q大学的第一个学期,我之前在FIC学过的课程有12345678910,fall 2014 semester学的课程有123,我准备在winter 2015 semester报1234课程,请问我选的这些课程符合标准吗?(我的major是economic(90 credits),minor是Asian studies)由于我刚转到Q大学,所以并不是很清楚应该怎么选课,请问有哪些课是必修的吗?(针对我的major和


我是从FIC转到Q大学的,fall 2014 semester是我在Q大学的第一个学期,我之前在FIC学过的课程有12345678910,fall 2014 semester学的课程有123,我准备在winter 2015 semester报1234课程,请问我选的这些课程符合标准吗?(我的major是economic(90 credits),minor是Asian studies)
I am student tranferred from FIC to Q university.Fall 2014 semester is my first semester in Q university.The previous courses I took in FIC were 12345678910 whereas the courses offered in fall 2014 semester are 123.I am going to register for 1234 courses for winter 2015 semester.May I know whether the courses I have chosen fulfill the standard?(I am major in economic [90 credits],minor in Asian studies)
Since I was just transferred to Q university,therefore I am not familiar with the course selecting prodecure.May I know which courses are compulsory?(regarding my major and minor) Are there any specific range for selecting elective courses?Do all the courses in Q university can be selected as an elective course?
I am student tranferred from FIC to Q university.Fall 2014 semester is my first semester in Q university.The previous courses I took in FIC were 12345678910 whereas the courses offered in fall 2014 semester are 123.I am going to register for 1234 courses for winter 2015 semester.May I know whether the courses I have chosen fulfill the standard?(I am major in economic [90 credits],minor in Asian studies)
Since I was just transferred to Q university,therefore I am not familiar with the course selecting prodecure.May I know which courses are compulsory?(regarding my major and minor) Are there any specific range for selecting elective courses?Do all the courses in Q university can be selected as an elective course?