英语翻译经过仔细核算,我们最终能offer 你的价格为 22USD..很抱歉,我们财务经理不能接受你所说的20USD for 2L.虽然对方的价格比我们低,但我们也不能为了争夺市场而大幅度降价.特别是现在国内成本不断上升,我们很难再给你个lower price.


经过仔细核算,我们最终能offer 你的价格为 22USD..很抱歉,我们财务经理不能接受你所说的20USD for 2L.虽然对方的价格比我们低,但我们也不能为了争夺市场而大幅度降价.特别是现在国内成本不断上升,我们很难再给你个lower price.
经过仔细核算,我们最终能offer 你的价格为 22USD..很抱歉,我们财务经理不能接受你所说的20USD for 2L.虽然对方的价格比我们低,但我们也不能为了争夺市场而大幅度降价.特别是现在国内成本不断上升,我们很难再给你个lower price.
By prudent assessment,we now can fix the final price for you as 22 USD.
I'm really sorry,but our Finance Manager cannot accept 20 USD for 2L as you expected.
Though we are well aware of that our competitor offers a lower price,but we insist on holding our limit on price even suffering for losing some market portion,especially in consideration of current domestic gradual increase of cost,we really cannot afford a lower price for you.Hope to get your kind understanding.
经过仔细核算,我们最终能offer 你的价格为 22USD..很抱歉,我们财务经理不能接受你所说的20USD for 2L.虽然对方的价格比我们低,但我们也不能为了争夺市场而大幅度降价.特别是现在国内成本不断上升,我们很难再给你个lower price.
By prudent assessment,we now can fix the final price for you as 22 USD.
I'm really sorry,but our Finance Manager cannot accept 20 USD for 2L as you expected.
Though we are well aware of that our competitor offers a lower price,but we insist on holding our limit on price even suffering for losing some market portion,especially in consideration of current domestic gradual increase of cost,we really cannot afford a lower price for you.Hope to get your kind understanding.