求英语身份对话身份只能是爸爸妈妈孩子叔叔之类的,就是不说明身份 让别人猜的对话 15句左右就行.用ABCD代替吧.坐等


身份只能是爸爸妈妈孩子叔叔之类的,就是不说明身份 让别人猜的对话 15句左右就行.用ABCD代替吧.坐等
A.Who is your father's brother?
B.Who is your mother's sister
C.He calls your mother sister ,who is he
D.Who is your mother's sister
E.Who is father's father?
F.Who is mother's mother
G.She calls your mother mother ,what's the ralationship with you
H.you call your mother mum,your mother call you what
I.your mother's mother is your ______
J.your mother 's father is your ______
K.Your mother's daughter is your____
L.Your mother's son is your _____
M.you call your father's brother ______
N.You call your father's sister ______
O.You call your uncle's son ______
A.Who is your father's brother?
B.Who is your mother's sister
C.He calls your mother sister ,who is he
D.Who is your mother's sister
E.Who is father's father?
F.Who is mother's mother
G.She calls your mother mother ,what's the ralationship with you
H.you call your mother mum,your mother call you what
I.your mother's mother is your ______
J.your mother 's father is your ______
K.Your mother's daughter is your____
L.Your mother's son is your _____
M.you call your father's brother ______
N.You call your father's sister ______
O.You call your uncle's son ______
相关标签: 英语 身份 对话 只能 爸爸妈妈 说明 别人 左右 代替