英语词汇辨析问题,1.since ,because表原因的区别.(我查牛津上说,两个都是连词,并且since的英文解释就是用because解释的,然后我做完型的时候又发现有把这两个拿来一起选的,就不清楚了.)2.while,although表让步的区别.


1.since ,because表原因的区别.(我查牛津上说,两个都是连词,并且since的英文解释就是用because解释的,然后我做完型的时候又发现有把这两个拿来一起选的,就不清楚了.)

Since you ask,I will tell you.你既然问,我就告诉你.
because因为;表直接原因,回答why的提问;一般放主句之后,也可单独存在:We stayed at home because it rained.因为下雨我们呆在家里.

(1) While this is true of some,it is not true of all.虽有一部分是真的,但不见得全都是真 的.
(2) While I feel great sympathy for you,I can’t really do very much to help.虽然我对你深为同情,但我实在是帮不上什么忙.
(3) They are generous although they are poor.他们虽然贫穷却很大方.
(4) Although I appreciate her reasoning,I reject her conclusions.虽然我欣赏她的推理能力,却不能接受她的推论.
(1) While I admit I did it,(nevertheless) I didn’t mean to.尽管我承认干了这件事,但我并不是故意的.
(2)Although admission was free,(nevertheless)few people attended the lecture.尽管免费入场,但几乎没什么人去听演讲.
(3)Although (he was) seriously wounded,(yet) he refused to leave the battle line.他虽然身负重伤,但坚持不下火线.
(4) While (I am)told you are wrong,I am sure you are honest.尽管我知道你错了,但我还是相信你很诚实.
(5) Although (she was) not yet six months old,she was able to walk without support.她虽然还不到6个月,但已能不用搀扶走路了.
(1) While we don’t agree,we continue to be good friends.尽管我们意见不一致,但我们仍是好朋友.
(2) While the ways used are quite different,the result is similar.虽然所用方法完全不同,但效果却相似.
(3) Although young Tom comes of a musical family,he doesn’t like singing.虽然年轻的汤姆出身于音乐之家,但他不喜欢唱歌.
(4) We’ll try to finish the work in time although we are short of hands.虽然缺少人手,我们还是要按时完成这项工作.
(5) Common salt,although (it is) dissolved in water,does not change its chemical properties.尽管食盐溶于水,但其化学性质不变.
(1)I have a lot of my grandfather’s features although I’m not so tall as he was.虽然我不及我祖父个子高,但相貌却与他很相似.
(2) In any case,he was very lovable although not at all tidy.总之,他还是挺招人喜欢的,尽管一点也不整洁.
3.although...but不可连用,但but although可以连用,且往往置于句首;而while没有这种用法.如:
(1) But although the situation was clearlydang-erous,the public was not at all happy with the idea of a government police force.尽管局势是明显地危险,可是老百姓对政府动用警力的做法仍很不满意.
(1) While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings.尽管我承认他的优点,我也能看到他的缺点.
(2) While I like the color of the hat,I don’t like its shape.虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但不喜欢这种式样.
(3) Although my car is very old,it still runs very well.虽然我的汽车很旧了,但跑起来挺不错.
(4) He brought me a cup of coffee although I had asked for tea.虽然我要的是茶,他却给我端来一杯咖啡.
(5) Smith kept her coat on although it was warm in the room.尽管房间里很暖和,可史密斯仍旧穿着外套.
(1) Although it looks like a huge monster,that country is in fact a paper tiger.虽然看起来那个国家像个庞然大物,但实际上是一只纸老虎.
(2) While it is in fact a paper tiger,that country looks like a huge monster.尽管那个国家实际上是一只纸老虎,但看起来像个庞然大物.

Since you ask,I will tell you.你既然问,我就告诉你.
because因为;表直接原因,回答why的提问;一般放主句之后,也可单独存在:We stayed at home because it rained.因为下雨我们呆在家里.

(1) While this is true of some,it is not true of all.虽有一部分是真的,但不见得全都是真 的.
(2) While I feel great sympathy for you,I can’t really do very much to help.虽然我对你深为同情,但我实在是帮不上什么忙.
(3) They are generous although they are poor.他们虽然贫穷却很大方.
(4) Although I appreciate her reasoning,I reject her conclusions.虽然我欣赏她的推理能力,却不能接受她的推论.
(1) While I admit I did it,(nevertheless) I didn’t mean to.尽管我承认干了这件事,但我并不是故意的.
(2)Although admission was free,(nevertheless)few people attended the lecture.尽管免费入场,但几乎没什么人去听演讲.
(3)Although (he was) seriously wounded,(yet) he refused to leave the battle line.他虽然身负重伤,但坚持不下火线.
(4) While (I am)told you are wrong,I am sure you are honest.尽管我知道你错了,但我还是相信你很诚实.
(5) Although (she was) not yet six months old,she was able to walk without support.她虽然还不到6个月,但已能不用搀扶走路了.
(1) While we don’t agree,we continue to be good friends.尽管我们意见不一致,但我们仍是好朋友.
(2) While the ways used are quite different,the result is similar.虽然所用方法完全不同,但效果却相似.
(3) Although young Tom comes of a musical family,he doesn’t like singing.虽然年轻的汤姆出身于音乐之家,但他不喜欢唱歌.
(4) We’ll try to finish the work in time although we are short of hands.虽然缺少人手,我们还是要按时完成这项工作.
(5) Common salt,although (it is) dissolved in water,does not change its chemical properties.尽管食盐溶于水,但其化学性质不变.
(1)I have a lot of my grandfather’s features although I’m not so tall as he was.虽然我不及我祖父个子高,但相貌却与他很相似.
(2) In any case,he was very lovable although not at all tidy.总之,他还是挺招人喜欢的,尽管一点也不整洁.
3.although...but不可连用,但but although可以连用,且往往置于句首;而while没有这种用法.如:
(1) But although the situation was clearlydang-erous,the public was not at all happy with the idea of a government police force.尽管局势是明显地危险,可是老百姓对政府动用警力的做法仍很不满意.
(1) While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings.尽管我承认他的优点,我也能看到他的缺点.
(2) While I like the color of the hat,I don’t like its shape.虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但不喜欢这种式样.
(3) Although my car is very old,it still runs very well.虽然我的汽车很旧了,但跑起来挺不错.
(4) He brought me a cup of coffee although I had asked for tea.虽然我要的是茶,他却给我端来一杯咖啡.
(5) Smith kept her coat on although it was warm in the room.尽管房间里很暖和,可史密斯仍旧穿着外套.
(1) Although it looks like a huge monster,that country is in fact a paper tiger.虽然看起来那个国家像个庞然大物,但实际上是一只纸老虎.
(2) While it is in fact a paper tiger,that country looks like a huge monster.尽管那个国家实际上是一只纸老虎,但看起来像个庞然大物.