英语翻译贷款期限在一年以上的,自每次基准利率调整之日的次年1月1日开始,按该次调整后的基准利率(如基准利率在一个日历年度内经两次或两次以上调整的,以该日历年度内最后一次调整的基准利率为准)及上述第一条约定的利率浮动比例确定并执行新的利率 翻译软件翻译的请绕道,急用!


The length of maturity above one year, January 1 will start date's of from each time datum rate adjustment next year, (for example datum interest rate will pass through two time or above two times after this adjustment's datum interest rate in a calendar year adjusts, last time will adjust datum interest rate by this calendar year in the interest rate fluctuation proportion which for standard) and the above first treaty will decide to determine and to carry out the new interest rate. The length of maturity above one year, January 1 will start date's of from each time datum rate adjustment next year, (for example datum interest rate will pass through two time or above two times after this adjustment's datum interest rate in a calendar year adjusts, last time will adjust datum interest rate by this calendar year in the interest rate fluctuation proportion which for standard) and the above first treaty will decide to determine and to carry out the new interest rate.